A comment by Andrew H. Rorick about
USDA Forest Service is developing a "corporate" database structure and data standards for its natural-resource information, including lithology. We needed an accepted, published list of rock names so that our field-going people would be "encouraged" to use the same term for the same rocktype. Our list comes from "Classification of Rocks" by R.B. Travis (1955 CO School of Mines Quarterly v. 50, No. 1). BLM and FS mineral examiners have been using this lith list at least since the mid-80s, so it has a history of acceptance and use by our geologists. If the wider Geo-community finally settles on a lith list, ANY lith list, we'll be glad to make the necessary cross-walks to keep our database up to date.
Further discussion of standard terms for lithology (this page):