National Geologic Map Database

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Publisher Name Abbreviation Series Name
A.B. Hamilton ABHAM None
Abilene Geological Society ABGS Field Trip Guidebook
Academic Press AP Systematics Association Special Volume
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ANSP Journal, 2nd series
Notulae Naturae
Academy of Science of St. Louis ASSL Transactions
A.G. Hodges, Public Printer AGHODGES None
A.H. Pemberton AHPEM None
Air Samplex AIRSAM None
Alabama Academy of Science ALAS Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science
Alabama Geological Society ALGSOC Annual Field Trip Guidebook
Alabama Geological Survey ALGS Bulletin
Quadrangle Map Series
Report of Progress
Special Map
Special Publication
Special Report
Alabama State Oil and Gas Board ALSOGB Oil and Gas Map
Oil and Gas Special Map
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys AKDGGS Administrative Report
Alaska Geosurvey News
Alaska Open File Report
Annual Report
Biennial Report
Digital Data Series
Geochemical Report
Geologic Materials Center Data Report
Geologic Report
Geophysical Report
Information Circular
Laboratory Notes
Mines and Geology Bulletin
Miscellaneous Paper
Miscellaneous Publication
Poster and Presentation
Preliminary Interpretive Report
Preliminary Investigative Report
Professional Report
Public Data File
Raw Data File
Report of Investigation
Special Report
Alaska Division of Geological Survey (1970-72) AKDGS Annual Report
Geochemical Report
Geologic Report
Laboratory Notes
Mines Bulletin
Miscellaneous Paper
Special Report
Alaska Division of Mines and Geology (1966-70) AKDMG Annual Report
Geochemical Report
Geologic Report
Information Circular
Laboratory Notes
Laboratory Report
Mines and Petroleum Bulletin
Miscellaneous Paper
Special Report
Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals (1959-66) AKDMM Annual Report
Geochemical Report
Geologic Report
Information Circular
Mines and Petroleum Bulletin
Mines Bulletin
Miscellaneous Paper
Prospect Evaluation
Special Report
Alaska Geological Society AKGS Alaska Geological Society Symposium, 1975, Anchorage, Proceedings
Alaska Geological Society Symposium, Anchorage, AK, 1976, Proceedings
Field Guidebook
Alaska Territorial Department of Mines (1959) AKTDM Annual Report
Information Circular
Itinerary Report
Mineral Investigation
Miscellaneous Report
Prospect Evaluation
TDM Bulletin
Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists ASPG Annual Field Conference and Symposium, 3rd, Calgary, Alberta, 1953, Guidebook
International Symposium on the Devonian System, Calgary, Alberta, 1967, Proceedings
Allen Press ALLENPR North American Paleontological Convention, 1st, Chicago, IL, 1969, Proceedings
Ambrose Printing Co. APC None
American Academy of Arts and Sciences AMACAD Proceedings
American Association for the Advancement of Science AAAS Proceedings
Science, new series
American Association of Petroleum Geologists AAPG Annual Meeting, 12th, Tulsa, OK, 1927
Annual Meeting, 20th, Wichita, KS, 1935
Annual Meeting, 26th, 1941
Circum-Pacific Map Series
Correlation Chart Series (COSUNA)
Cross Section Publication
Field Trip Guidebook
Research Committee
Special Volume
Studies in Geology
United States Geological Highway Map Series
American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists AASP Contributions
American Geographical Society AMGS Geographical Review
American Geological Institute AGI International Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology, 10th, Madrid, Spain, 1983, Guidebook
International Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology, 9th, Washington, DC, and Urbana, IL, 1979, Guidebook
American Geophysical Union AGU EOS Transactions
Field trip guidebook (internat. Geol. Congress)
Field trip guidebook (International Geological Congress)
Geographical Review
Geophysical Monograph
International Geological Congress, 12th, Toronto, 1913, Field Trip Guidebook
International Geological Congress, 12th, Toronto, 1913, Report
International Geological Congress, 16th, Washington, DC, 1933, Field Trip Guidebook
International Geological Congress, 16th, Washington, D.C., 1933, Report
International Geological Congress, 18th, London, 1948, Report
International Geological Congress, 19th, Algiers, 1952, Report
International Geological Congress, 20th, Mexico City, 1956, Report
International Geological Congress, 20th, Mexico City, 1956, Section 1
International Geological Congress, 21st, Copenhagen, 1960, Report
International Geological Congress, 23rd, Prague, 1968, Report
International Geological Congress, 24th, Montreal, 1972, Report
International Geological Congress, 28th, Washington, D.C., 1989, Field Trip Guidebook
International Geological Congress, 5th, Washington, D.C., 1891, Report
International Symposium on the Rio Grande Rift, 1st, Santa Fe, NM, 1978
Journal of Geophysical Research
Journal of Geophysical Research, B, Solid Earth and Planets
American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers AMIMME Bulletin
Technical Publication
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers AIMME Mining and Metallurgy
Rocky Mountain Fund Series
American Journal of Science AJS American Journal of Science
American Journal of Science, 1st series
American Journal of Science, 3rd Series
American Journal of Science, 4th Series
American Journal of Science, 5th Series
American Journal of Science and Arts, 2nd Series
American Journal of Science and Arts, 3rd Series
American Meteorological Society AMS Monthly Weather Review
American Mining Congress AMC American Mining Congress, 10th, Joplin, MO, 1907, Report of Proceedings
American Museum of Natural History AMNH American Museum Novitates
Memoirs, new series
American Petroleum Institute, Division of Production API Paper
American Philosophical Society AMPHILSOC Proceedings
American Water Works Association AWWA Journal
Amuedo and Ivey Inc. AIINC Open-File Map
Annual Reviews, Inc. ANREV Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Appalachian Basin Industrial Associates ABIA Program ... meeting
Appalachian State University APPSTU EDMAP unpublished map
Arctic Institute of North America AINA Arctic
Ardmore Geological Society ARDGS American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Annual Convention, 1959, Guidebook
Field Conference Guidebook
Field Trip
Arizona Academy of Science AZAS Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science
Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology AZBG Bulletin
Geologic Investigations Maps
Geothermal Map
Miscellaneous Map
Open-File Report
Special Paper
Arizona Bureau of Mines AZBM Bulletin
County Geologic Map Series
Geologic Investigation Series
Metallogenic Map Series
Arizona Department of Water Resources AZDWR Hydrologic Map Series Report
Arizona Geological Society AGS Digest
Arizona Geological Survey AZGS Arizona Geology
Contributed Map
Contributed Report
Digital Geologic Map
Miscellaneous Map
Oil and Gas Publication
Open-File Report
Special Paper
Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science AZNVAS Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science
Arizona Public Service APS Preliminary Safety Analysis Report
Arizona State University AZSU Master's Thesis
Arkansas Academy of Science ARAS Proceedings of the Arkansas Academy of Science
Arkansas Archeological Survey AAS Research Series
Arkansas Geological Commission ARGC Bulletin
Digital Geologic Quadrangle Map
Geologic Map - AR-
Information Circular
Miscellaneous Publication
Open-File Map
Water Resources Circular
Water Resources Summary
Arkansas Geological Survey ARGS Annual Report, 1887-1892
Digital Geohazard Map
Digital Geologic County Map
Digital Geologic Maps - Miscellaneous
Digital Geologic Quadrangle Map
Digital Geologic Worksheet
Geologic Map State Park Series
Information Circular
Arkansas Resources and Development Commission, Division of Geology ARGD Bulletin
A.S. Johnston ASJOHN None
Association of Engineering Geologists AEG Bulletin
Guidebook to Field Trips
Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists AEEG
Atlantic Coastal Plain Geological Association ACPGA Field Trip Guidebook
Atlantic Geoscience Society ATGS Atlantic Geology, Journal of the Atlantic Geoscience Society
Auburn University AUBU EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
Augustana College Library AUGL Publications
Australian Research Council ARC Pan-Pacific Science Congress, 2nd, Melbourne, Australia, 1924, Proceedings
Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum BMSM The Nautilus
Bates College BATES
Battelle Memorial Institute, for U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation BMIDOE Report (ONWI)
Baylor Geological Society BAYLORGS Field Conference Guidebook
Baylor Geological Studies BAYLORGST Bulletin
Baylor University Department of Geology BAYLOR Bachelor's Thesis
Baylor Geological Studies Bulletin
Master's Thesis
Bernice P. Bishop Museum BISHOP Bulletin
Occasional Papers
Billings Geological Society BILLGS Guidebook
Board of Water Supply, New York BWSNY The Delaware Water Supply News
Boise State University BSU
Boston College BC
Boston College, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Weston Observatory BCWO None
Boston Society of Natural History BSNH Occasional Paper
Botanical Society of America BSA American Journal of Botany
Botanical Society of America, Paleobotanical Section BSAPS Annual American Institute of Biological Sciences Meeting, 25th, Tempe, AZ, 1974, Guidebook
Bowling Green State University BGSU Master's Thesis
Bradley Geological Field Station of Drury College DRURY Bulletin
Brigham Young University Department of Geology BYUDG Brigham Young University Geology Studies
Brigham Young University Research Studies, Geology Series
Master's Thesis
Special Publication
Brigham Young University - Idaho BYUI
British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines BCMEM None
Brown University BROWNU Master's Thesis
Bryn Mawr College Department of Geology BMDG Master's Thesis
Buffalo Society of Natural Science BSNS Bulletin
Bureau of Land Management USBLM EMRIA Report
California Academy of Sciences CAAS Bulletin
Occasional Papers
Proceedings, 2nd series
Proceedings, 3rd series
Proceedings, 4th series
California Chamber of Mines and Oil CACMO Mining and Oil Bulletin
California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil and Gas CDCDOG Technical Report
California Department of Natural Resources - Division of Mines CDONR-DOM Bulletin
California Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mines and Mining CDMM California Oil Fields
California Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil and Gas CDOG California Oil Fields
California Department of Water Resources CDWR Bulletin
California Division of Mines CDOM Bulletin
California Division of Mines and Geology CDMG Bulletin
California Continental Margin Geologic Map Series
California Geology
California Journal of Mines and Geology
County Report
Geologic Atlas of California
Geologic Data Map
Map Sheet
Mineral Information Service
Mining in California
Official Map of Seismic Hazard Zones
Open-File Report
Preliminary Report
Regional Geologic Map
Seismic Hazard Zone Report
Special Publication
Special Report
California Geological Survey CAGS Bouguer Gravity Map of California
California Continental Margin Geologic Map Series
California Geology
County Report
Geologic Data Map
Landslide Inventory Map Series
Map Sheet
Miscellaneous Map
Official Map of Seismic Hazard Zones
Open-File Report
Preliminary Geologic Maps
Preliminary Report
Regional Geologic Map
Seismic Hazard Zone Report
Special Publication
Special Report
California Institute of Technology CALTECH Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
California Malacozoological Society CAMS The Veliger
California Polytechnic State University CPSU EDMAP unpublished map
California State Mining Bureau CSMB Bulletin
California Oil Fields
Preliminary Report
California State Univerisity -Northridge CSUN
California State University CSU
California State University Bakersfield CSUBX EDMAP unpublished map
California State University, Chico CSUC EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
California State University, East Bay CSEB Master's Thesis
California State University, Fresno CSUF Master's Thesis
California State University Fullerton CSUFX EDMAP unpublished map
California State University, Humboldt CSUH Bachelor's Thesis
California State University, Long Beach CSULB Master's Thesis
California State University-Sacramento CASUS Annual Field Trip Guidebook
California State Water Resources Board CSWRB Bulletin
Cambridge University Press CUP Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 44th, Berkeley, CA, 1984, Symposium on Faunal Change Across the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary
Canada Department of Mines CDM Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18
Canada Department of Mines and Technical Surveys CDMTS Geological Survey Paper
Canadian Hydrographic Service, Department of Fisheries and Oceans CANHS None
Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy CIMM Special Publication
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists CSPG Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Canyonlands Natural History Association CNHA None
Caribbean Printers CP Caribbean Geological Conference, 4th, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 1965, Transactions
Caribbean Research Institute, College of the Virgin Islands Water Resources Research Center CRI Technical Report
Carnegie Institution of Washington CIW Contributions to Paleontology
Carnegie Museum of Natural History CMNH Annals of Carnegie Museum
Carolina Geological Society CARGS 50th Anniversary Volume
Annual Meeting Guidebook
Field Trip Guidebook
Carroll and Cook, Printers to the Assembly CCP None
Castleton State College - VT CSCVT
Cave Research Foundation CRF Poster
Caxton Press of Sherman & Co. CAXTON Report of the Geological Survey of California, Palaeontology
Centenary College of Louisiana CCLA
Central Michigan University CMU
Central Savannah River Area Regional Development Center CSRA None
Central Washington College CWAC Education Bulletin
Central Washington University CWAU EDMAP unpublished map
Chapman and Hall CHPHALL None
Cheltenham Press CHLTHM None
Chester County, Pennsylvania, Water resources Authority CCWRA Water-Resource Report
Cincinnati Museum of Natural History CINMNH None
Cincinnati Society of Natural History CINSNH Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History
Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources CPC Earth Science Series
City of Alexandria, Virginia ACOVA None
Claremont Manufacturing Company CMC None
Cleveland Museum of Natural History CLMNH Kirtlandia
Coal Age CAGE None
Coastal Carolina University CCU
Coastal Education and Research Foundation (CERF) CERF None
College of Charleston COCSC EDMAP deliverable
EDMAP unpublished map
College of William and Mary CWM EDMAP unpublished map
Colorado College COCOL Studies
Colorado College Scientific Society CCSS Colorado College Studies
Colorado Division of Water Resources CODWR Water Resources Investigations
Colorado Geological Survey COGS Annual Report
Environmental Geology
Information Series
Map Series
Miscellaneous Information
Open-File Map
Open-File Report
Resource Series
Special Publication
Web Publication
Colorado Mineral Resources Board COMRB None
Colorado School of Mines COSM EDMAP unpublished map
International Symposium on the Cambrian System, 2nd, Denver, 1981, Guidebook for Field Trips
Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Professional Contribution of Colorado School of Mines
Colorado Scientific Society COSS Proceedings
Colorado State Planning Commission CSPC None
Colorado State University COSU EDMAP unpublished map
EDMAP Unpublished map
Master's Thesis
Columbia University COLU Contributions
Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Columbia University Press CUPRESS None
Columbia University School of Mines CUSOM School of Mines Quarterly
Columbus State University CSTU
Commissioners of Public Printing COPP None
Commonwealth of Kentucky, Governor's Office of Energy Policy KYGOEP Miscellaneous Map
Commonwealth of Kentucky, Office of Energy Policy KYOEP Miscellaneous Map
Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Conservation and Economic Development VADCED None
Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation CTCR None
Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey CTGNHS Bulletin
Connecticut Natural Resources Atlas Series
Miscellaneous Series
Open File
Open File-Report
Quadrangle Report
Report of Investigations
Connecticut Water Resources Commission CWRC Bulletin
Cordilleran Publishers CORDPUB None
Cornell University Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences CUDEAS Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Corpus Christi Geological Society CCGS Field Trip Guidebook
CPress Verlag CPVER Coral Research Bulletin
CUNY College-Brooklyn CUNYBRKL
Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research CFFR Contributions
Journal of Foraminiferal Research
Special Publication
Dallas Geological Society DGS None
D. Appleton and Co. DAC None
Dartmouth College DMC
Delaware Geological Survey DEGS Bulletin
Digital Data Product
First State Geology
Geologic Map Series
Hydrologic Map Series
Miscellaneous Map Series
Open File Report
Report of Investigations
Special Publication
Delaware Valley Paleontological Society DVPS The Mosasaur
Denison University DENISONU Scientific Laboratories Bulletin
Denver Region Exploration Geologists Society DREGS Denver Region Exploration Geologists Symposium, Denver, CO, 1982, Proceedings
Desert Research Institute NVDRI Report
Dewey Pub. Co. DPC Mining and Scientific Press
Dibblee Geological Foundation DGF Dibblee Foundation Map
District of Columbia, Health Department DCDH Health Officer Report
Doubleday, Page & Company DDPC Alaska
Dowden, Hutchinson, and Ross Co. DHRCO None
D. Ramaley DRAM None
D. Reidel Publishing Co. DREIDEL NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Milankovitch and Climate, Palisades, NY, 1982
Duke University DUKE
Duke University Press DUKEUP Southeastern Geology
E.A. Jenks EAJENKS None
East Carolina University ECARU
Eastern Connecticut State University ECTSU
Eastern Kentucky University EKYU
Eastern New Mexico University ENMU Studies in Natural Sciences Special Publication
Eastern Washington University EWU Master's Thesis
E. Barksdale of Mississippi EBM None
Economic Geology Publishing Company EGPC Economic Geology
Editions du centre national de la recherche scientifique LEXIQUE Lexique Stratigraphique International
Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society EMSS Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society
El Paso Geological Society EPGS Field Trip Guidebook
Elsevier Science ELSEVIER Cretaceous Research
Developments in Sedimentology
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Engineering Geology
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
International Botanical Congress, 11th, Seattle, WA, 1969, Proceeding of the symposia for the systematics section
International Journal of Coal Geology
Journal of Geochemical Exploration
Journal of Geodynamics
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Precambrian Research
Quaternary Research
Quaternary Science Reviews
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Sedimentary Geology
E. Mendenhall EMEND None
Emory University EMORYU Master's Thesis
Engineering and Mining Journal EMJ Engineering and Mining Journal
Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, Inc. ECNJPH Rubey Memorial Volume
Environmental Protection Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources GADNR Bulletin
Geologic Atlas
Geologic Guide
Geologic Report
Hydrologic Atlas
Information Circular
Open File Report
Project Report
Regional Map
Environment Canada ENVCAN None
E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung ESCHWIEZ Newsletters on Stratigraphy
E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Science Publishers ESVSP Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg
Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie Abhandlungen
Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie Monatschefte
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft (ZDGG)
Fairleigh Dickinson University, West Indies Laboratory FDUWIL Special Publication
Federal Geographic Data Committee FGDC None
Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Inc. FCOPG Guidebook
Field Museum of Natural History Chicago FMNHC Fieldiana Geology
Florida Academy of Sciences FLAS Quarterly Journal
Florida Geological Survey FLGS Annual Report
Association of American State Geologists Annual Meeting, 44th, Tallahassee, FL, 1952, Guidebook
Information Circular
Map Series
Open-File Map Series
Open-File Report
Report of Investigations
Special Publication
Florida Museum of Natural History FLMNH Bulletin
Florida State University FLSU EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Fort Hays Kansas State College FHKSC Science Series, new series
Fort Hays State University Department of Geosciences FHSUDGS Master's Thesis
Fort Lewis College FTLC
Fort Smith Geological Society FSGS Field Conference Guidebook
Four Corners Geological Society FCGS Field Conference Guidebook
Friends of Karst FOK Miscellaneous Map
G.C. Torbett GCTOR None
Geodata International, Inc. GDII prepared for the NURE program & USDOE
Geo-graphics GEOG None
Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota GNHSMN Annual Report
Final Report
Geology of Minnesota
Geological Association of Canada GACAN Joint annual meeting of Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical Association of Canada, and Society of Economic Geologists, Toronto, ON, 1991, Guidebook
Special Paper
Geological Association of Canada, Victoria Section GACANVS Field Trip Guidebook
Geological Association of New Jersey GANJ Annual Field Conference of the Geological Association of New Jersey, 10th, Ledgewood, NJ, 1993, Field guide and proceedings
Annual Field Conference of the Geological Association of New Jersey, 11th, Somerset, NJ, 1994, Field guide and proceedings
Annual Field Conference of the Geological Association of New Jersey, 12th, Wayne, NJ, 1995, Field guide and proceedings
Annual Field Conference of the Geological Association of New Jersey, 4th, Blairstown, NJ, 1987, Field guide and proceedings
Annual Field Conference of the Geological Association of New Jersey, 6th, Easton, PA, 1989, Field guide and proceedings
Geological Society of America GSA Abstracts with Programs
Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of America, 104th, San Diego, CA, 1991, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of America, 65th, Boston, MA, 1952, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of America, 68th, New Orleans, LA, 1955, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of America, 69th, Minneapolis, MN, 1956, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of America, 70th, Atlantic City, NJ, 1957, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of America, 71st, St. Louis, MO, 1958, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of America, 73rd, Denver, CO, 1957, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of America, 74th, Cincinnati, OH, 1958, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of America, 86th, Dallas, TX, 1973, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of America, 90th, Seattle, WA, 1977, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of America, 92nd, San Diego, CA, 1979, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of America, 93rd, Atlanta, GA, 1980, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of America, 94th, Cincinnati, OH, 1981, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of America, 97th, Reno, NV, 1984, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of America, 98th, Orlando, FL, 1985, Guidebook
Centennial Field Guide
Continent Ocean Transect
Continent-Scale Map
Digital Maps and Charts
Engineering Geology Case Histories
Field Trip Guidebook
Geology of North America
Guidebook for Field Trips
Guidebook for field trips, Rocky Mountain Section
Map and Chart Series
Reviews in Engineering Geology
Rocky Mountain Section, Annual Meeting
Special Paper
The Decade of North American Geology (DNAG), Continent-Ocean Transect Series
The Geology of North America, The Decade of North American Geology (DNAG)
Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section GSACS Annual Meeting of the Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America, 57th, San Diego, CA, 1961, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America, 62nd, Reno, NV, 1966, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America, 67th, Riverside, CA, 1971, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America, 70th, Las Vegas, NV, 1974, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America, 72nd, Pullman, WA, 1976, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America, 73rd, Sacramento, CA, 1977, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America, 78th, Anaheim, CA, 1982, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America, 80th, Anchorage, AK, 1984, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America, 82nd, Los Angeles, CA, 1986, Guidebook
Centennial Field Guide
Geological Society of America, North-Central Section GSANCS Annual Meeting of the North-Central Section, The Geological Society of America, 16th, West Lafayette, IN, 1982, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the North-Central Section, The Geological Society of America, 20th, Kent, OH, 1986, Guidebook
Centennial Field Guide
Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section GSANES Centennial Field Guide
Joint annual meeting of Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section and Southeastern Section, Falls Church, VA, 1982, Guidebook
Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section GSARMS Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Section of the Geological Society of America, 27th, Flagstaff, AZ, 1974, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Section of the Geological Society of America, 37th, Durango CO, 1984, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Section of the Geological Society of America, 39th, Flagstaff, AZ, 1985, Guidebook
Centennial Field Guide
Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section GSASES Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, 15th, Athens, GA, 1966, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, 20th, Blacksburg, VA, 1971, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, 21st, Tuscaloosa, AL 1972, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, 25th, Arlington, VA, 1976, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, 26th, Winston-Salem, NC, 1977, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, 39th, Tuscaloosa, AL, 1990, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, 8th, Chapel Hill, NC, 1959, Guidebook
Centennial Field Guide
Joint meeting of Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section and North-Central Section, Lexington, KY, 1984, Guidebook
Geological Society of Finland GSFIN Bulletin
Geological Society of Iowa GSIA Guidebook
Geological Society of Japan GSJ Journal
Geological Society of Kentucky GSKY Annual Field Conference
Geological Society of London GSLON Special Publication
Geological Society of Maine GSME Maine Geology Bulletin
The Maine Geologist
Geological Society of Nevada GSNV Field Trip Guidebook
Great Basin Symposium, Reno/Sparks, NV, 1990, Guidebook
Great Basin Symposium, Reno/Sparks, NV, 1990, Proceedings
Special Publication
Geological Society of Sacramento GSS Annual Field Trip Guidebook
Geological Society of the Oregon Country GSOC The Geological Newsletter
Geological Society of University of California-Los Angeles GSUCLA Field Guide
Geological Society of Washington GSWA Reprint
Geological Survey Department, Jamaica JGSD Caribbean Geological Congress, 3rd, Kingston, Jamaica, Programme
Geological Survey of Alabama GSAL Atlas Series
Biennial Report
County Report
Information Series
Quadrangle Series
Report of Progress
Special Map
Special Publication
Special Report
Geological Survey of Canada GSCAN Geophysical Series Map
Open File
Report of Progress
Summary Report
Geological Survey of Michigan GSMI None
Geological Survey of Texas GSTX Annual Report
Geological Survey of Wyoming GSWY Map Series
Public Information Circular
Geologisch en Mineralogisch Instituut der Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden LEIDSE Leidse Geologische Mededelingen
George Mason University GMU EDMAP unpublished map
George Washington University GWU Bulletin
EDMAP unpublished map
Georgia Academy of Science GAAS Bulletin
Georgia, Coosa Valley Area Planning & Development Commission GACVRDC None
Georgia Division of Mines, Mining, and Geology GADMMG None
Project Report
Georgia Geological Society GAGSOC Annual Field Trip of the Georgia Geological Society, 16th, 1981, Guidebook
Annual Field Trip of the the Georgia Geological Society, 18th, 1983, Guidebook
Annual Field Trip of the the Georgia Geological Society, 19th, 1984, Guidebook
Annual Field Trip of the the Georgia Geological Society, 22nd, 1987, Guidebook
Annual Field Trip of the the Georgia Geological Society, 26th, 1991, Guidebook
Joint annual meeting of Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, and Georgia Geological Society, Atlanta, GA, 1989, Guidebook
Georgia Geological Survey GAGS Bulletin
Information Circular
Open-File Report
Global Tectonics and Metallogeny GTM None
Gordon and Breach Science Publishers GBSP Denver Museum of Natural History Morrison Symposium - part 1, Denver, CO., 1994
Modern Geology Journal
Grand Canyon Association GCA Monograph
Grand Canyon Natural History Association GCNHA None
Grand Junction Geological Society GJGS Guidebook
Grand Valley State University GVSU EDMAP
Great Northern Railway Company Mineral Research and Development Department GNRC Report
Great Plains Historical Association GPHA Great Plains Journal
GTR Mapping GTRM
Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies GCAGS Annual Meeting Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies and the Gulf Coast Section of the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Miami Beach, 1969, Field Trip Guidebook
Field Trip Guidebook
Harlow-Ratliff Company HRLW None
Harper and Brothers, Geoscience Series HARBROS Geoscience Series
Harvard College Museum of Comparative Zoology HARVMCZ Bulletin
Harvard University, Dept of Earth & Planetary Sciences HARVEPS Ph.D. Dissertation
Hawaiian Gazette Co. HIGAZ None
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory HIVO Special Report
Hawaiian Volcano Research Association HVRA The Volcano Letter
Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management HICWRM Water Resources Bulletin
Hawaii Division of Hydrography HIDHB Bulletin
Hawaii Division of Water and Land Development HIDWLD Circular
Map Series
Special Report
Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology HIGP Data Report
Special Map
Hawaii Water Authority HIWA Bulletin
Houston Geological Society HOUGS Bulletin
Humboldt State University HSU
Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology IDBMG Bulletin
County Report
Information Circular
Mineral Resource Report
Idaho Division of Highways IDDOH Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium, 4th, Moscow ID, 1966, Proceedings
Idaho Geological Survey IDGS Bulletin
County Report
Digital Analytical Data
Digital Database
Digital Geologic Map
Digital Web Map
Geologic Map
Information Circular
Mineral Resource Report
Staff Report
Surficial Geologic Map
Technical Report
Idaho State University IDSU EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
Illinois Academy of Science ILAS Transactions
Illinois Basin Consortium ILBC Illinois Basin Consortium Cross Sections
Illinois Geological Survey and State Water Survey ILGSWS Cooperative Groundwater Report
Illinois Oil and Gas Association ILOGA None
Illinois State Geological Survey ILGS Bulletin
Central Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition contract report
Coal Data Map
Cooperative Mineral Series Bulletin
Cooperative Mining Series Bulletin
Economic Geology
Educational Series
Environmental Geology Notes
Guidebook Series
Illinois Basin Consortium Study
Illinois Coal Mines County Series
Illinois Coal Mines Quadrangle Series
Illinois County Geologic Map
Illinois Geologic Quadrangle Map
Illinois Map
Illinois Mineral Notes
Illinois Petroleum
Illinois Preliminary Geologic Map
Illinois State Geological Survey Coal Section
Oil and Gas Development Map
Open File Series
Report of Investigations
Special Report
Illinois State University ILST EdMap
EDMAP unpublished map
Indiana Academy of Science INAS Proceedings
Indiana Department of Conservation INDC None
Indiana Department of Geology and Natural Resources INDGNR Annual Report
Indiana Department of Natural Resources INDNR Aquifer Systems Map
Large-Scale Digital Maps of Boone County, Indiana
Large-Scale Digital Maps of Hendricks County, Indiana
Miscellaneous Ground Water Reports
Miscellaneous Map
Potentiometric Surface Map
Water Resource Assessment
Indiana Division of Geology INDG Publication
Report of Progress
Indiana Division of Geology, Conservation Committee INDGCC Annual Report
Indiana Geological and Water Survey INGWS Atlas of Mineral Resources of Indiana
Coal Map
Digital Information
Field Conference Guidebook
Indiana Journal of Earth Sciences
Mineral Economic Series
Miscellaneous Map
Occasional Paper
Open-File Report
Report of Progress
Special Report
Trail Map
Indiana Geological Survey INDGS Atlas of Mineral Resources of Indiana
Coal Map
Eastern Gas Shales Project
Field Conference Guidebook
Illinois Basin Consortium
Illinois Basin Consortium Study
Mineral Economic Series
Miscellaneous Map
Occasional Paper
Open-File Report
Open-File Study
Other Map
Petroleum Exploration Map
Petroleum Well Location Map
Preliminary Coal Map
Regional Geologic Map
Report of Progress
Special Report
State Base Map
State Park Guide
Indiana University INU EDMAP unpublished map
Indiana University-Bloomington INUB
Indiana University, Department of Geological Sciences INUDGS Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Regional Geologic Map
Indiana University, Department of Geology Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Rho Chapter IUSGE None
Institute of Food And Agricultural Sciences Service, University of Florida UFIF None
Institute on Lake Superior Geology ILSG Annual Meeting of the Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 30th, International Falls, MN, 1982, Proceedings, Abstracts, and Field Trips
Annual Meeting of the Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 34th, Marquette, MI, 1988, Proceedings and Abstracts
Annual Meeting of the Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 4th, Duluth, MN, 1958, Proceedings, Program, and Abstracts
Annual Meeting of the Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 7th, Port Arthur, ON, Proceedings, Program, and Abstracts
Annual Meeting of the Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 8th, Houghton, MI, 1962, Proceedings, Program, and Abstracts
Instituto Geologico de Mexico [City] IGMX Anales del Instituto Geologico de Mexico [City]
Intergovernmental Resource Center, Clark County, Washington IRCCCWA None
Intermountain Association of Geologists IAG Guidebook for the Annual Field Conference
Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists IAPG Annual Field Conference of the Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists, 10th, Salt Lake City, UT, 1959, Guidebook
Annual Field Conference of the Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists, 11th, Salt Lake City, UT, 1960, Guidebook
Annual Field Conference of the Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists, 12th, Salt Lake City, UT, 1963, Guidebook
Annual Field Conference of the Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists, 4th, Salt Lake City, UT, 1953, Guidebook
Annual Field Conference of the Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists, 8th, Salt Lake City, UT, 1957, Guidebook
Guidebook for the Annual Field Conference
Guidebook to the geology of Utah
Guidebook to the Geology of Utah
International Association for Quaternary Research INQUA INQUA, Internation Association for Quaternary Research Congress, 7th, Boulder, CO, 1965, Guidebook
International Association of Sedimentologists IAS Sedimentology
Special Publication
International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior IAVCEI Bulletin of Volcanology
Bulletin Volcanologique
International Volcanological Congress, Auckland, NZ, 1986, Abstracts
Symposium on Andean and Antarctic Volcanology Problems, 1st, Santiago, Chile, 1974, Proceedings
International Association of Wood Anatomists IAWA Bulletin, new series
International Basement Tectonics Association, Inc. IBTA International Conference on Basement Tectonics, 2nd, Newark, DE, 1976, Proceedings
International Conference on Basement Tectonics, 8th, Butte, MT, 1988, Proceedings
International Geological Correlation Programme IGCP Field Trip Guidebook
International Palaeontological Association IPA Lethaia
International Symposium on the Cambrian System ISCS
International Union of Geological Sciences IUGS Episodes
International Union of Geological Sciences,Subcommission on Triassic Stratigraphy IUGSSTS Albertiana
International Volcanological Congress IVC Abstracts
International Williston Basin Symposium IWBS Proceedings
Internet Archive INAR
Interscience Publishers INTSCI None
IntraSearch, Inc INTRASEARCH prepared for the NURE program & USDOE
Iowa Academy of Science IAAS Proceedings
Iowa Geological and Water Survey IAGWS Open-File Digital Map
Open-File Map
Iowa Geological Survey IAGS Annual Report
Educational Materials
Educational Series
Guidebook Series
Iowa Geology
Miscellaneous Map Series
Miscellaneous Publication
Open-File County Groundwater Resources Report
Open-File Map
Open-File Report
Public Information Circular
Report of Investigations
Resource Information Fact Sheet
Special Report
Technical Information Series
Technical Paper
Water Atlas
Water Fact Sheet
Water Supply Bulletin
Iowa Geological Survey Bureau IAGSB Guidebook Series
Iowa Highway Research IAHR Bulletin
Iowa State University IASU Master's Thesis
Iowa State University, Geological & Atmospheric Sciences IASUGAS Master's Thesis
Iowa State University, Laboratories of Natural History ISULNH Bulletin
Isochron/West ISOWEST
Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman, and Co. IPBCO None
Jamaica Geological Survey JGS Publication
James Madison University JMU EDMAP unpublished map
J.B. Lippincott & Co. JBLIPP None
Jed Hotchkiss JH The Virginias
J.E. Head & Co. JEHEAD None
J. Murphy & Co. JMURPHY None
John C. Hodges Library, The University of Tennessee UTENN Master's Thesis
Johns Hopkins University JHU Circular
Ph.D. Dissertation
Studies in Geology
John Wiley and Sons Publishers JWS None
Joint Transportation Research Program, Purdue University/Indiana Department of Transportation JTRP None
Journal of Commerce Steam Press Printing House JOCSPPH None
Journal of Maps JOM Journal of Maps
J.P. Bell Company, Printers and Binders JPBELL None
Judah Dabson, Philadelphia JD
Julius Bien and Co. JBCO None
Kansas Academy of Science KSAS Transactions
Kansas Geological Society KGSOC Guidebook
Guidebook for the Annual Field Conference
Kansas Geological Survey KSGS Bulletin
Current Research in Earth Sciences
Geologic Quadrangle Map
Geology Series
Ground Water Series
Map Series
Mineral Resource Notes
Mineral Resources Circular
Miscellaneous Report
Oil and Gas Investigations
Oil and Gas Investigations, Preliminary Cross Section
Open-file Report
Public Information Circular
Kansas State Board of Agriculture KSBOA Biennial Report
Kansas State University Department of Geology KSSU EDMAP unpublished deliverable
Master's Thesis
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, IA KHPC Late Glaciation of New England Symposium, 1st, Philadelphia, PA, 1980, Proceedings
Kent State University Department of Geology KENTSUDGL EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
Kentucky Academy of Science KYAS Transactions
Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection KYDEP None
Kentucky Department of Commerce KYDC None
Kentucky Department of Geology and Forestry KYDGF
Kentucky Geological Survey KYGS Administrative Report
Contract Report
Cooperative Report
County Report
Eastern Gas Shales Project Series
Geologic Report, 6th series
Immigration Report
Information Circular
Map and Chart
Map and Chart Series
Miscellaneous Map
Miscellaneous Report
Open File Report
Pre-1920 Geologic KGS Report
Report, 4th series
Report of Investigation
Report of Progress, 3rd series
Reports of Special Subjects
Research Data
Special Publication
Special Publication, 10th series
Special Publication, 11th series
Special Publication, 9th series
USGS Water Resources Investigation
Kentucky Society of Professional Geologists KYSPG
Lake Superior Mining Institute LSMI Proceedings
la Societe Provancher d'histoire naturelle du Canada SOCPROV Le Naturaliste Canadien
La Societe Provancher d'Historie Naturelle du Canada SPHNC Le Naturaliste Canadien
Lehigh University LEHIGH EDMAP unpublished map
Lehigh Valley Publishing Co., Ltd. LVPCO None
Library of Congress LOC
Lincoln-DeVore Engineers and Geologists LDEG Open-File Map
Lippincott, Grambo & Co. LGC None
Loma Linda University LLU Master's Thesis
Los Alamos National Laboratory LANL Report LA
Louisiana Department of Conservation and Geology LDCG Bulletin
Louisiana Geological Survey LAGS Bulletin
Geological Bulletin
Geological Pamphlet
Geologic Map
Geologic Quadrangle Map (1:100,000)
Geologic Quadrangle Map (1:24,000)
Mineral Resources Bulletin
Mineral Resources Map
Open-File Map (1:100,000)
Open-File Map (1:24,000)
Parish Geologic Map
Public Information Series
Report of Investigations
Water Resources Bulletin
Water Resources Map
Water Resources Series
Louisiana Heritage Press LAHP None
Louisiana State University LSU
Lucius Pitkin, Inc. LPI None
Mackay School of Mines NVMSM Curtiss-Wright Project Number
Master's Thesis
Maine Geological Survey MEGS Bulletin
Geologic Map
Geologic Map Series
GP and G Survey
Open-File Map
Open-File Report
Quadrangle Map
Special Geology Studies Series
Manitoba Department of Mines and Natural Resources MDMNR Mines Branch Publication
Martel Laboratories, Inc. MARLAB prepared for the NURE program & USDOE
Maryland Academy of Science MDAS Transactions
Maryland-Delaware Water Sewage Association MDWSA Annual Conference, 28th, Ocean City, MD, 1955, Proceedings
Maryland Geological Survey MDGS Bulletin
Chesapeake Bay Earth Science Atlas
County Atlas
County Geologic Map
County Geologic Maps; Bulletins
County Geologic Maps; County Atlases
County Geologic Maps; County Reports
County Mineral Resource Maps
County Mineral Resource Maps; County Atlases
County Report
Information Circular
Lands for Potential Mineral Resource Development
Maps of historical shorelines and erosion rates
Mineral Resources Quadrangle Map
Open-File Coal Maps
Quadrangle Atlas
Quadrangle Geologic Map
Quadrangle Open File Geologic Map
Regional Geologic Maps
Report of Investigations
Shoreline Changes Map
Slope maps
Special Publication
State Maps
Systematic Report
Volume Series
Massachusetts Geological Survey MAGS None
Open-File Report
Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
McCord and McCord Printers MCCORD None
McGraw-Hill Book Co. MCGRAW None
Medical Association of the State of Alabama MASAL Transactions of the annual session
Memorial University of Newfoundland MUNF Map
Memphis State University MEMSU Master's Thesis
Mesa State College MSC
Meteoritical Society METEOR Meteoritics and Planetary Science
Miami Geological Society MFLGS Caribbean Geological Conference, 12th, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, 1989, Transactions
Transactions of the 12th Caribbean Geological Conference
Miami University, Ohio MUOH Master's Thesis
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters MIACAD Michigan Academian
Michigan Basin Geological Society MIBGS Guidebook
Michigan Department of Conservation MIDC None
Michigan Department of Conservation, Field Administration Division MDCFAD Michigan Geological Map
Michigan Department of Conservation, Geological Survey Division MDCGSD Chart
Michigan Geological Map
Progress Report
Technical Report
Water Investigation
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Geological Survey MDEQ
Michigan Department of Natural Resources MIDNR Geological Publication
Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment MIDNRE Surficial Geologic Map Series
Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey Division MIDNRGSD Bulletin
Geological Publication
Michigan County Geologic Map
Michigan Geological Map
Open File Map
Symposium, 2nd, East Lansing, MI, 1991, Program and abstracts
Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Geology Division MGD Michigan County Geologic Map
Michigan Geological and Biological Survey MIGBS Publication
Michigan Geological and Land Management Division MIGLMD None
Michigan Geological Survey MGS Bedrock Geologic Map
Geological Publication
Michigan Geological Map
Progress Report
Report of Investigation
Surficial Geologic Map
Michigan Geological Survey Division MIGSD Bulletin
Open File Map
Report of Investigation
Michigan State Board of Geological Survey MISBGS Report
Michigan State University MIST
Michigan Technological University MITECH EDMAP unpublished map
Micropaleontology Press MICROP Micropaleontology
Milwaukee Public Museum MPM Bulletin
Contributions in Biology and Geology
Mineralogical Society of America MSA American Mineralogist
Mineralogical Society of Utah MSUT Bulletin
Mineral Resources Development, Inc. MRDI prepared for the NURE program & USDOE
Mines and Minerals (Scranton, PA) MINES Mines and Minerals
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters MNDNRDW County Atlas Series
Regional Hydrogeologic Assessments
Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment Series
Minnesota Geological Survey MNGS Aeromagnetic Map Series
Annual Report
County Atlas Series
Educational Series
Final Report
Geologic Map Index
Geologic Map of Minnesota
Geologic Map Series
Geology of Minnesota - The Final Report
Guidebook Series
Information Circular
Minnesota at a Glance
Miscellaneous Map Series
Miscellaneous Publications
Open-File Report
Regional Hydrogeologic Assessments
Report of Investigations
Reprint Series
Special Publication Series
State Map Series
Summary Report
Minot State University MINOTSU
Mississippi Academy of Sciences MAS Journal
Journal 1951-1953
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, Bureau of Geology MSBG Circular
Mississippi Geology
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Geology MSOG Bulletin
Cross Sections
Environmental Geology
Information Series
Maps and Charts
Mississippi Geology
Open-File Report
Reports of Investigations
Mississippi Geological, Economic, and Topographical Survey MSGETS Bulletin
Mississippi Geological Society MSGSOC Guidebook
Mississippi Mineral Resources Institute MMRI Report of Investigations
Mississippi State Geological Survey MSGS Bulletin
Missouri Academy of Science MOAS Proceedings
Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines MOBGM 2nd series
Biennial Report
Report, 2nd series
Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Land Survey MODGLS 2nd series
Contributions to Precambrian Geology
Engineering Geology Series
Information Circular
Missouri State Geologic Maps
Open File Map
Open_File Map
Open-File Map
Open-File Report
Preliminary Map
Report of Investigations
Unpublished Map
Volume, 2nd Series
Wall Map
Missouri Division of Geological Survey and Water Resources MODGSWR Biennial Report
Report, 2nd series
Report of Investigations
Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey MODG
Missouri Geological Survey MOGS 2nd series
Contribution to Precambrian Geology
Miscellaneous Publication
Open File Map
Report of Investigations
Report of Progress
Missouri Geological Survey and Resource Assessment Division MOGSRAD Contributions to Precambrian Geology
Engineering Geology Series
Open File Map
Open File Report
Report of Investigations
Missouri State University MOST EDMAP unpublished map
Mobile Register Print MRPRT None
Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology MBMG Bulletin
Digital Publications
Geologic Map
Ground-Water Open-File Reports
Hydrogeologic Map
Information Circular
Miscellaneous Contributions
Montana Atlas
Montana Ground-Water Assessment Atlas
Open-File Reports
Report of Investigation
Special Publication
Unpublished Map
Montana Bureau of Mines and Metallurgy MTBMM Memoir
Montana Geological Society MTGS Annual Field Conference
Annual Field Conference, 18th, Billings, MT, 1967, Guidebook
Annual Geological Conference, 21st, Billings, MT, 1972, Guidebook
Field Conference and Symposium, Billings, MT, 1981, Guidebook
Field Conference and Symposium, Billings, MT, 1984, Guidebook
Field Conference and Symposium, Billings, MT, 1989, Guidebook
Field Conference and Symposium, Billings, MT, 1993, Guidebook
Williston Basin Symposium, Billings, MT, 1978, Guidebook
Montana State University MTST Department of Earth Sciences
EDMAP unpublished map
Montana Tech MTTECH
Montclair State University MSUNJ Master's Thesis
Morehead State University MHDST
Mountain Press Publishing Company MPPC Geology Underfoot
Roadside Geology
Municipal University of Wichita MUW Bulletin
Museum of Northern Arizona MNA Bulletin
Research Paper
National Academy of Sciences NAS Proceedings
National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council NASNRC Geophysics Study Committee Report
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Space Sciences Division, Ames Research Center NASA Hawaiian Planetology Conference, Hilo, HI, 1974, Guidebook
National Association of Geology Teachers NAGT Eastern Section, Field Trip Guidebook
Far Western Section, Field Trip Guidebook
National Geophysical Data Center NGDC Map Series
National Geophysical Data Center - NOAA NGDCNOAA None
National Park Service Geologic Resources Inventory NPSGRI Digital Geologic-GIS Map
National Science Museum, Tokyo NSMT Bulletin, Series C
National Well Water Association NWWA None
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County NHMLAC Contributions in Science
Natural Resources Research Institute NRRI Technical Report
Nature Publishing Group NPG Nature
Nebraska Academy of Sciences NEAS Proceedings
Nebraska Geological Survey NEGS Bulletin
Bulletin, 2nd series
Nevada Archaeological Survey NVAS Research Paper
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology NVBMG Bulletin
Field Studies Map
Open File Report
Ph.D. Dissertation
Special Publication
Urban Map
Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources NVDCNR Ground-Water Resources - Reconnaissance Series Report
Water Resources Bulletin
Water Resources - Reconnaissance Series Report
Nevada Division of Water Resources NVDWR Report
Water Resources Bulletin
Nevada Petroleum Society NVPS Fieldtrip Guidebook
New Brunswick Department of Lands and Mines NBDLM Paper
New England Governor's Conference, Inc NEGCI None
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference NEIGC New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 34th, Rutland, VT, 1938, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 51st, Rutland, VT, 1959, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 53rd, Montpelier, VT, 1961, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 55th, Providence, RI, 1963, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 57th, Brunswick, ME, 1965, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 59th, Amherst, MA, 1967, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 61st, Albany, NY, 1969, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 62nd, Rangeley Lakes-Dead River, ME, 1970, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 66th, Orono, ME, 1974, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 68th, Boston, MA, 1976, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 71st, Troy, NY, 1979, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 72nd, Presque Isle, ME, 1980, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 76th, Danvers, MA, 1984, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 79th, Montpelier, VT, 1987, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 81st, Farmington, ME, 1989, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 83rd, Princeton, ME, 1991, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 86th, Millinocket, ME, 1994, Guidebook
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 95th, Amherst and Northampton, MA, 2003, Guidebook
New Hampshire Academy of Science NHACDS Handbook
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services NHDES Geologic Quadrangle Map
Open-File Reports
New Hampshire Department of Resources & Economic Development NHDRED Bulletin
New Hampshire Geological and Mineralogical Survey NHGMS None
New Hampshire Geological Survey NHGS Bulletin
Digital Geodata Series
Map and Chart Series
Open-File Reports
New Hampshire Highway Department NHHD None
New Hampshire State Planning and Development Commission NHSPDC Geologic Maps
Mineral Resource Survey
New Jersey Academy of Science NJAS The Bulletin
New Jersey Bureau of Geology and Topography NJBGT Bulletin
New Jersey Geological Survey NJGS Annual Report of the State Geologist
CD Series
Digital Geodata Series
Final Report
Geologic Map Series
Geologic Survey Reports
Open-file Map
New Jersey State Water Policy Commission NJSWPC Special Report
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources NMBGMR Bulletin
Geologic Map
New Mexico Geology
Open-File Geologic Map
Open-File Report
Resource Map
New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources NMBMMR Annual Report
Geologic Map
Ground-water Report
Hydrogeologic Sheet
Hydrologic Report
Open-File Geologic Map
Open-File Map
Open-File Report
Resource Map
Scenic Trip
Scenic Trips to the Geologic Past
Stratigraphic Chart
New Mexico Geological Society NMGS Field Conference Guidebook
Special Publication
New Mexico Highlands University NMHU EDMAP unpublished map
New Mexico Museum of Natural History NMMNH None
New Mexico Office of the State Engineer NMOSE Bulletin
Technical Report
New Mexico School of Mines NMSM Bulletin
New Mexico State University Dept of Geological Sciences NMSUGS Master's Thesis
New Mexico Tech NMTECH EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
New York Academy of Sciences NYAS Annals
Scientific Survey of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Transactions, 2nd series
New York, Oswego County Planning Board NYOSWEGO Open-File Map
New York State Agricultural Society NYSAGS Transactions
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation NYSDEC None
New York State Geological Association NYSGA Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 27th, Hamilton, NY, 1955, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 29th, Wellsville, NY, 1957, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 30th, Peekskill, NY, 1958, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 33rd, New York, 1961, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 34th, Port Jervis, NY, 1962, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 35th, Binghampton, NY, 1963, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 39th, Newburgh, NY, 1967, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 44th, Utica, NY, 1972, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 46th, Fredonia, NY, 1974, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 47th, Hempstead, NY, 1975, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 52nd, Newark, NJ, 1980, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 54th, Amherst, NY, 1982, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 56th, Clinton, NY, 1984, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 59th, Kingston, NY, 1987, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 62nd, Fredonia, NY, 1990, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 64th, Hamilton, NY, 1992, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 65th, Canton, NY, 1993, Guidebook
Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, 66th, Rochester, NY, 1994, Guidebook
Joint annual meeting of New York State Geological Association, 51st, and New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 71st, Troy, NY, 1979, Guidebook
New York State Geological Survey NYSGS Annual Report
Educational Leaflet
Map and Chart Series
Open File Map
Open File Report
Senate Document
Special Publication
New York State Museum NYSM Annual Report
Educational Leaflet
Map and Chart Series
Natural history of New York
Special Publication
New York State Museum and Science Service NYSMSS Bulletin
Map and Chart Series
New York State Science Service NYSSS None
Report of Investigations
New York Water Power and Control Commission NYWPCC Bulletin
North American Paleontological Convention NAPC Proceedings
North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources NCDNER Special Publication
North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development NCDNRCD None
North Carolina Department of Transportation, Geotechnical Engineering Unit NCDOT None
North Carolina Department of Water and Air Resources NCDWAR Ground Water Bulletin
North Carolina Division of Mineral Resources NCDMR Bulletin
North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey NCGES Bulletin
North Carolina Geological Survey NCGS Bulletin
Economic Paper
Educational Series
Field Trip Guidebook
General Geologic Map
Geologic Hazards Map Series
Geologic Map
Geologic Map - 7.5-minute quadrangle maps and mineral resource summary
Geologic Map Series
Geologic Notes
Information Circular
Miscellaneous Publication
Open-File Report
Regional Geology Series (discontinued)
Special Publication
Special Report
Volume (discontinued)
North Carolina State University NCST EDMAP unpublished map
North Dakota Academy of Science NDAS Proceedings
North Dakota Geological Society NDGSOC Bulletin
Geologic Investigation
International Williston Basin Symposium
North Dakota Geological Survey NDGS 100K Geothermal
100K Series
24K Landslide map
24K Landslide maps
24K Series
24K Surface Geology
Atlas Series
Biennial Report
Educational Series
Field Study
Geologic Investigation
Mineral Resource Map
Miscellaneous Map
Miscellaneous Series
Open-File Report
Report of Investigation
Special Publication
Surface Geology
North Dakota State Water Commission NDSWC Ground-Water Studies
Northeastern Illinois University NIU
Northeastern Science Foundation NESF Northeastern Geology
Northeastern Geology and Environmental Sciences
Northeast Louisiana University NELAU Master's Thesis
Northern Arizona Society of Science and Art, Inc. NAZSSA Plateau
Northern Arizona University NAU EDMAP Deliverable
Master's Thesis
Northern California Geological Society NCAGS None
Northern California Geological Society and Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologist spring field trip, 1954
Northern Illinois University Dept of Geology & Environmental Geosciences NIUGEG EdMap
Master's Thesis
Northern Kentucky University NKYU
Northern Ohio Geological Society NOGS None
North Texas Geological Society NTXGS Field Trip Guidebook
Northwestern University NWU Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Report of Investigations
Summary of Doctoral Dissertations
Northwest Scientific Association NWSA Northwest Science
Office of Naval Research, Geography Branch ONRGB Technical Report
Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation ONWI Technical Report
Office of the Massachusetts State Geologist MASG Digital Conversion
Geologic Map
Open-File Report
Well Inventory
Ohio Academy of Science, Section of Geology OHASSG Guidebook
Ohio Division of Geological Survey OHGS Bulletin
Bulletin, 4th series
Digital Chart and Map Series
Digital Data File
Digital Map Series
Educational Leaflet
Geological Note
Industrial Minerals
Information Circular
Open-File Map
Open-File Report
Report of Investigations
Report of Progress, 2nd series
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Midyear Meeting, 5th, Columbus OH, 1988, Field Guidebook
Ohio Division of Shore Erosion (Ohio Division of Geological Survey) OHDSE Technical Report
Ohio Division of Water OHDW Bulletin
Ground Water Pollution Potential Report
Groundwater Potentiometric Surface Map
Ground Water Resources Map
Technical Report
Ohio Geological Society OHGSOC None
Ohio State University OHSU Abstracts of dissertations
Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Proceedings of Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium
Ohio State University, Institute of Polar Studies OSUIPS Report
Ohio University OHIOU Master's Thesis
Oklahoma Academy of Science OKAS Proceedings
Oklahoma Bureau of Geology OKBG Bulletin
Oklahoma City Geological Society OCGS Shale Shaker
Oklahoma Department of Geology and Natural History OKDGNH Biennial Report
Oklahoma Geological Survey OKGS Bulletin
Educational Publication
Geologic Map
Hydrologic Atlas
Mineral Report
Oklahoma Geologic Quadrangle
Oklahoma Geology Notes
Open-File Report
Special Publication
The Hopper
Oklahoma State University OKSU Bachelor's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Research Bulletin
Old Dominion University ODU EDMAP unpublished map
Old Dominion University Research Foundation ODURF Symposium sponsored by Old Dominion University and United Virginia Bank-Seaboard National, Norfolk, VA, 1974, Proceedings
Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology ORBMG Bulletin
Mineral Resources of Oregon
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries ORDGMI Bulletin
Digital Data Series
Geological Map Series
Interpretive Map Series
Oil and Gas Investigations
Open-File Report
Oregon Geology
Quadrangle Map
Short Paper
Special Paper
The Ore Bin
Oregon Department of Water Resources ODWR Ground Water Report
Oregon State College at Corvallis ORSTC Studies in Geology Monograph
Oregon State University ORST EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
Orleans University, Department of Earth Sciences (France) UORLEANSDES Ph.D. Dissertation
Osborn & Baldwin Printers OSBORN None
Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften SITZ Sitzungsberichten und Anzeiger Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse
Oxford University Press OXFORD Journal of Petrology
Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists PSAAPG 50th joint annual meeting of Pacific Sections of American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, and Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Annual Convention of Pacific Sections of the AAPG, SEG, and SEPM, 40th, Bakersfield, CA, 1965
Annual field trip of Pacific Sections of the AAPG and SEPM, 1967, Field Trip Guidebook
Annual Meeting of Pacific Sections of the AAPG, SEG, and SEPM, 27th, Long Beach, CA, 1952, Field Trip Guidebook
Annual Meeting of Pacific Sections of the AAPG, SEG, and SEPM, 50th, Long Beach, CA, 1975
Annual Spring field trip of Pacific Sections of the AAPG and SEPM, 1963, Field Trip Guidebook
Correlation Section
Field Trip Guidebook
Geological Seminar on the North Slope of Alaska, 1st, Los Angeles, CA, 1970
Miscellaneous Publication
Pacific Petroleum Geology Newsletter
Paleontological Research Institution PALEORI Bulletins of American Paleontology
Palaeontographica Americana
Peking National Univeristy Press PKUP None
Penn State University Libraries PASU Contributions
Master's Thesis
Mineral Industries Experiment Station Bulletin
Ph.D. Dissertation
unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation
Pennsylvania Academy of Science PAAS Proceedings
Pennsylvania First Geological Survey (1836-1842) PAGS1 Annual Report
Pennsylvania Geological Survey PAGS Annual Report
County Report
Data Release
Environmental Geology Report
General Geology Report
Information Circular
Mineral Resource Report
Miscellaneous Paper
Miscellaneous Papers
Open-File Report
Pennsylvania Geology
Progress Report
Special Bulletin
Summary Report
Water Resource Report
Pennsylvania Second Geological Survey (1874-1889) PAGS2 Annual Report
Final Report
Report of Progress
Pennsylvania State University, Department of Geology PASUDG Contributions
Pennsylvania State University, Mineral Industries Experiment Station PASUMIES Bulletin
Pennsylvania Third Geological Survey (1899-1919) PAGS3 Annual Report
Pergamon Press PPX Quaternary Science Reviews
Petroleum Publishing Company PETPC None
Oil and Gas Journal
Petroleum Research Corporation PRC None
Phillips-Universitat Marburg, Institut fur Geologie und Palaontolgie PUMIGP Geologica et Palaeontologica
Philosophical Society of Washington PSWDC Bulletin
Pleistocene Field Conference PFC Guidebook
Portland State University PSU EDMAP unpublished map
Portland State University Department of Geology PSUDG EDMAP unpublished map
Princeton University PRCTN Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Princeton University Press PUP None
Private Printing PP None
Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Service PRASS None
Puerto Rico Department of Public Works PRDPW Geologic Investigations Bulletin
Puerto Rico Division of Mineralogy and Geology PRDMG Bulletin
Puget Sound Power and Light Company PSPLC None
Purdue University PURDUE Ph.D. Dissertation
Purdue University Office of Agricultural Research Programs PUOARP None
Quebec Department of Mines, Geological Survey Branch QDMGSB Preliminary Report
Quebec Department of Natural Resources QDNR Geology Report
Queens College of New York QCNY Geological Bulletin
Radford University RADU EDMAP unpublished map
Rhode Island Development Council RIDC Geological Bulletin
Rhode Island Geological Survey RIGS Rhode Island Map Series
Rhode Island Industrial Commission RIIC Geological Bulletin
Hydrologic Bulletin
Rhode Island Port And Industrial Development Commission RIPIDC Geological Bulletin
Rhode Island Water Resources Board RIWRB
Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board RIWRCB Geological Bulletin
Ground-Water Map
Hydrologic Bulletin
Rice University RICEU Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co. RAPC None
River Falls Geological Society RFGS Annual Geology Field Conference, a University of Wisconsin System undergraduate event, 19th, River Falls, WI, 1987, Guidebook
Roberts Printing Co. RPCF None
Rochester Academy of Science RAS Proceedings
Rochester Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology RIVP Paludicola
Rockwell International, Rockwell Hanford Operations, Energy System Group RIRHO RHO-BW
Rockwell International, Rockwell Hanford Operations Energy Systems Group ROCKWELL None
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists RMAOG The Mountain Geologist
Rocky Mountain College RMC
Rocky Mountain Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists AAPGRS Geological Record
Roswell Geological Society ROSGS Field Conference Guidebook
Rowland Printing Office RPO None
Royal Bank of Canada, Oil and Gas Department RBCAN None
Royal Canadian Institute for the Advancement of Science RCANI Transactions
Royal Society of Canada RSC Proceedings and Transactions, 2nd Series
Proceedings and Transactions, 3rd Series
Rutgers University, Bureau of Mineral Research RUNBMR Bulletin
Rutgers University Press RUNP None
R.W. Gibbes RWGIB None
Sacramento, CA, Inter-Agency Committee on Land Subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley SICLSSJV None
Salem State University SSU EDMAP unpublished map
Salt Lake City SLCUT Map
San Angelo Geological Society SAGS Guidebook
San Bernardino County Museum Association SBCMA Mojave Desert Quaternary Research Center Symposium, 5th, Redlands, CA, 1991
San Diego Association of Geologists SDAG Joint annual field trip of San Diego Association of Geologists and Association of Engineering Geologists, Southern California Section, San Diego, CA, 1973, Guidebook
San Diego Society of Natural History SDSNH Memoirs
San Diego State University SDCASU Master's Thesis
San Francisco State University SFSU
San Joaquin Geological Society SJGS Field Trip Guidebook
Selected Papers
San Jose State University SJSU Master's Thesis
San Luis Obispo County SLOC
Saskatchewan Geological Society SASGS Field Trip Guidebook
Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Department of Mineral Resources (Regina) SGSDMR Report
S.C. Mercer SCMERCER None
Scripps Institution of Oceanography SIOUCSD Ph.D. Dissertation
Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft CFS Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg
Shannon & Wilson, Inc SAWI None
Shreveport Geological Society SHRGS Guidebook
Reference Report
Sigma Gamma Epsilon CSGE The Compass of Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Smithsonian Institution SI Harriman Alaska Expedition
Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press SISP Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology
Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections
Societas Palaeontographica Coloradensis SPC Hunteria
Societe Belge de Geologie SBELG Bulletin
Societe Geologique de Belgique SGBEL Annales de la Societe Geologique de Belgique
Society for American Archaeology SAA American Antiquity Journal
Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration SME Mining Engineering
Society for Sedimentary Geology, SEPM SFSG Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Journal of Sedimentary Research
Journal of Sedimentary Research, Section B, Stratigraphy and Global Studies
Society of Economic Geologists SEG Bulletin
Economic Geology
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists SEPM Gulf Coast Section, Field Trip Guidebook
Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
SEPM Core Workshop, 15th, Dallas, TX, 1991
Special Publication
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Great Lakes Section SEPMGL Annual Field Conference of the Great Lakes Section, Society of Economic Paleontolgists and Mineralogists, 7th, Oxford, OH, 1977, Guidebook
Annual Field Conference of the Great Lakes Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 12th, Morehead, KY, Guidebook
Field Trip Guidebook
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Gulf Coast Section SEPMGC None
Spring Field Trip of the Gulf Coast Section of the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists and the Alabama Geological Survey, 1983, Guidebook
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section SEPMPS Annual convention of the Pacific Section, SEPM, Bakersfield, CA, 1986, book 45, p. 105-119
Annual convention of the Pacific Section, SEPM, Bakersfield, CA, 1986, Book 46, p. 119-129
Annual convention of the Pacific Section, SEPM, San Diego, CA, 1984, Book 38, p. 101-118
Annual convention of the Pacific Section, SEPM, San Diego, CA, 1984, Book 38, p. 55-66
Annual convention of the Pacific Section, SEPM, San Diego, CA, 1984, Book 38, p. 67-85
Annual convention of the Pacific Section, SEPM, San Diego, CA, 1984, Book 39, p. 1-7
Annual convention of the Pacific Section, SEPM, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Anaheim, CA, 1981, Field Trip Guidebook, p. 143-150
Annual convention of the Pacific Section, SEPM, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Anaheim, CA, 1981, Field Trip Guidebook, p. 5-12
Annual SEPM field trip, 1960, Field Trip Guidebook
Cenozoic nonmarine deposits of the western USA Symposium, Anaheim, CA, 1982, Field Trip Guidebook
Convention of the Pacific Section of the Society of Economic and Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Sacramento, CA, 1983, Proceedings
Cuyama Symposium, AAPG/SEPM/SEG Pacific Section Annual Meeting, Santa Barbara, CA, 1988, book 59
Field Trip Guidebook
Field trip of the Pacific Section, SEPM and the Geological Society of America, San Diego, CA, 1991, book 68
Field trip of the Pacific Section, SEPM, Ashland, OR, 1984,
Field trip of the Pacific Section, SEPM, Ashland, OR, 1984,
Field trip of the Pacific Section, SEPM, Ashland, OR, 1984, book 42
Neogene Symposium, 1st, San Francisco, CA, 1976, Proceedings
North Slope Seminar, 2nd, Anchorage, AK, 1985,
North Slope Seminar, 2nd, Anchorage, AK, 1985,
Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium, 1st, Bakersfield, CA, 1977, Proceedings
Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium, 2nd, Sacramento, CA, 1978,
Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium, 2nd, Sacramento, CA, 1978,
Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium, 2nd, Sacramento, CA, 1978, Proceedings
Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium, 3rd, Anaheim, CA, 1979, Proceedings
Pacific Section, SEPM Fall Field Seminar, 1992, book 70
Pacific Section, SEPM fall field trip, 1973, Field Trip Guidebook
Pacific Section, SEPM fall field trip, Coalinga, CA, 1972, Field Trip Guidebook
Pacific Section, SEPM fall field trip, Los Angeles, CA, 1981, Field Trip Guidebook
Pacific Section, SEPM field trip, 1971, Field Trip Guidebook
Paleozoic Paleogeography Symposium, 2nd, Bakersfield, CA, 1991
Paleozoic Paleogeography Symposium, 2nd, Bakersfield, CA, 1991,
Paleozoic Paleogeography Symposium, 2nd, Bakersfield, CA, 1991, book 67
SEPM Research Symposium, San Francisco, CA, 1981, Proceedings
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Permian Basin Section SEPMPB Field Trip Guidebook
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Rocky Mountain Section SEPMRM Field Trip Guidebook
Rocky Mountain Paleogeography Symposium, 1st, Denver, CO, 1980, Proceedings
Rocky Mountain Paleogeography Symposium, 2nd, Denver, CO, 1983, Proceedings
Rocky Mountain Paleogeography Symposium, 3rd, Denver, CO, 1985, Proceedings
SEPM Theme Meeting, Fort Collins, CO, 1992, Guidebook
Society of Exploration Geophysicists SEGP None
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology SVP Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
South Carolina Department of Agriculture SCDAG None
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources SCDNR Open-File Report
Water Resources Report
South Carolina Division of Geology SCDG Bulletin
Geologic Notes
South Carolina Geological and Agricultural Survey SCGAS Report
Report of Progress
South Carolina Geological Survey SCGS Bulletin, 4th series
General Geologic Chart
General Geologic Map Series
Geologic Quadrangle Map
Map Compilation
Map Series
Open-File Poster
Open-File Report
South Carolina Geology
South Coast Geological Society, Inc. SCGSI Geologic map
South Dakota Academy of Science SDAS Proceedings
South Dakota Geological Survey SDGS Aquifer Materials Map
Educational Series
General Map
Geologic Quadrangle Map
Information Pamphlet
Mineral Resources Investigation
Miscellaneous Investigations
Oil and Gas Investigations
Oil and Gas Map
Open-File Report
Report of Investigations
South Dakota Map-General
Special Report
Water Information Circular
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, Geology and Geologic Engineering Department SDSMTGGED Master's Thesis
Southeastern Geological Society SEGS Field Trip Guidebook
Southeast Missouri State University SEMSU
Southern California Academy of Sciences SCAAS Bulletin
Southern California Paleontological Society SCPS Bulletin
Southern Geological Society SGS Publication
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale SILU
Southern Methodist Press SMP Field and Laboratory
Southern Methodist University SMU Fondren Science Series
Journal of the Graduate Research Center
Southern Methodist University Department of Geological Sciences SMUDGS Master's Thesis
Southern Methodist University, Institute for the Study of Earth and Man SMUISEM Report of Investigations
Southern Pacific Railroad SPRR Mineral Survey
Southern Utah University SUTU
South Texas Geological Society STGS Field Trip Guidebook
Southwestern Association of Petroleum Geologists SAPG Bulletin
Southwestern Federation of Geological Societies SFGS Transactions
Spindletop Research Center SRC None
Sprague and Co. SPRAGUE None
Springer-Verlag New York SVNY Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
Uranium Deposits of the World
Stanford University STFU Abstracts of Dissertations
EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Stanford Geological Survey Map
Stanford University Publications, Geological Sciences
Student report
Thesis (M.A.) - Dept. of Geology, Stanford University
Thesis (M.S.) - Dept. of Geol. & Env. Sci., Stanford Univ.
Thesis (M.S.) - Dept. of Geology, Stanford University
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Dept. of Geol. & Envi. Sci., Stanford Univ.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Dept. of Geology, Stanford University
Thesis (Ph.D.) - School of Mineral Sciences, Stanford Univ.
State Geological Survey of Kansas SGSKS Bulletin
State of Mississippi Board of Water Commissioners SMBWC Bulletin
State of New Jersey Department of Conservation and Economic Development NJDCED None
State of Wyoming, Geologists Office SWYGO Bulletin
Stockton University SU EDMAP
SUNY - Binghamton University S-BU Unpublished Master's Thesis
unpublished PhD dissertation
SUNY College-Albany SUNYALB
SUNY College-Brockport SUNYBP
SUNY College-Buffalo SUNYBUF
SUNY College-Oneonta SUNYONE EDMAP unpublished map
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department TPCHD None
T.A. Conrad TACON None
Tavel, Eastman and Howell TEH None
Tennessee Academy of Science TNAS Tennessee Academy of Science Journal
Tennessee Division of Geology TNDG Bulletin
Geologic Folio
Geologic Map
Geologic Quadrangle Map
Information Circular
Report of Investigations
State Geologic Map
Tennessee Geological Survey TNGS Bulletin
Geologic Quadrangle Map
Mineral Resources Map
Report of Investigations
Resources of Tennessee, 1st series
Tennessee State Board of Health TNSBH Bulletin
Tennessee Tech University TNTECH
Tennessee Valley Authority, Division of Geology TVADOG Bulletin
Terrascan Group Ltd., Lakewood, CO TSGL
Texas Academy of Science TXAS Texas Journal of Science
Transactions and Proceedings
Texas A&M University TAMU Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Research Report (Texas Engineering Experimental Station)
Texas Board of Water Engineers TXBWE Bulletin
Texas Christian University TXCU Master's Thesis
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality TXCEQ Geologic Atlas
Texas Department of Water Resources TXDWR Report
Texas Geological and Mineral Survey TXGMS Report of Progress
Texas Memorial Museum TXMM Bulletin
Texas Tech University TXTU Master's Thesis
The American Society of Naturalists ASN American Naturalist
The Biological Club of the Ohio State University BCOSU Ohio Naturalist
The Edwards Letter Shop ELS None
The Franklin Institute TFI Journal of The Franklin Institute
The Geological Publishing Company GPC The American Geologist
The Pan-American Geologist
The J.K. Gill Company JKGILL None
The Johns Hopkins University Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering JHUDGEE Ph.D. Dissertation
The Mountaineers, Inc. MTNEER The Mountaineer
The National Research Council of Canada NRCCAN Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
The Ohio Academy of Science OHAS Ohio Journal of Science
The Ohio State University Press OHSUP None
The Palaeontological Association TPA Palaeontology
The Paleontological Society PALESOC Journal of Paleontology
The Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists RMAG Guidebook
The Mountain Geologist
The Science Museum of The Saint Paul Institute SMSPI Science Bulletin
The Sun job printing office BSJPO None
Tobacco Root Geological Society TRGS Northwest Geology
Tri-State Annual Field Conference TSAFC Guidebook
Tulane University TULANE Master's Thesis
Studies in Geology and Paleontology
Tulsa Geological Society TULGS Digest
Field Trip Guidebook
UMI UMI Dissertation Abstracts
Dissertation Abstracts, sec. B
Union College, Department of Geology UCDG M.S. Thesis
Univerity of Alberta, Boreal Institute UABI None
University Geological Survey of Kansas UGSOK Bulletin
University of Alabama UNAL Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Alabama Cartographic Research Laboratory UALCRL
University of Alaska UNAK Proceedings - Alaska Science Conference
University of Alaska, Fairbanks UNAKF EDMAP
Master's Thesis
University of Alaska Fairbanks Department of Anthropology UNAKFDA Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska
University of Arizona UAZ Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Arizona, Department of Geosciences UAZDG EDMAP unpublished deliverable
University of Arizona, Geochemical Section, Geochronolgy Laboratories UAGSGL None
University of Arizona Press UAZPRESS None
University of Arkansas UNAR Master's Thesis
University of California UNCA Bulletin of the Department of Geology
University of California Publications in Geological Sciences
University of California, Davis UCDAVIS EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
University of California, Los Angeles UCLA Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
University of California Press UCPRESS Pacific Science Congress, 6th, Berkeley, CA, 1939, Proceedings
University of California Publications in Geological Sciences
University of California, Riverside UCR Campus Museum Contributions
Master's Thesis
University of California, Santa Barbara UCSB EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Central Florida, Florida Sinkhole Research Institute UCFFSRI Report
University of Chicago, Dept of Geophysical Sciences UNCHGS Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Chicago Press UCHPR Journal of Geology
University of Cincinnati UCIN
University of Colorado, Boulder UCOB EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Connecticut Libraries UCONN
University of Florida Department of Geological Sciences UFLDGS EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
University of Georgia, Athens UNGAA Map
University of Georgia, Department of Geology UGADG Interim Report
University of Hawaii UHI Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Report
University of Hawai'i Press UHIP None
Pacific Science
University of Hawaii, Water Resources Research Center UHIWRRC Seminar Series
Technical Report
University of Idaho UIDAHO Master's Thesis
Symposium on the Geology of the Belt Rocks, 1st, Moscow, ID, 1973, Proceedings
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign UIUC Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, College of Agriculture UIUCAG Agricultural Experiment Research Station Bulletin
University of Iowa UIOWA Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Studies in Natural History
University of Kansas UKS Bulletin
EDMAP unpublished map
EDMAP{ unpublished map
University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions
University of Kansas Department of Geology UNKSDG Ph.D. Dissertation
Special Publication
University of Kentucky UKY EDMAP unpublished map
University of London ULONUK Bachelor's Thesis
University of Louisiana-Monroe ULAM
University of Louisville ULVLLE Studies in Paleontology and Stratigraphy
University of Maine UNME
University of Massachusetts Department of Geology and Geography UMASSDGG Contribution
University of Massachusetts Department of Geology and Geography UMASS Contribution
University of Memphis Tennessee UMEMTN EDMAP unpublished map
University of Michigan-Dearborn UMID
University of Michigan, Dept of Geological Sciences UMICHGS Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Michigan Museum of Geology UMMG Contributions
University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology UMMP Contributions
Papers of Paleontology
University of Minnesota UMN
University of Minnesota-Duluth UMD EDMAP unpublished map
University of Minnesota Duluth Department of Geological Science UMNDDGS Master's Thesis
University of Mississippi UMS EDMAP unpublished deliverable
Masters of Science thesis
University of Missouri, Columbia UNMOC Bulletin
EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
University of Missouri-Kansas City UMKC EDMAP unpublished map
University of Missouri, Rolla UMR Master's Thesis
University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy UMSMM Bulletin, Technical Series
University of Montana UMT EDMAP unpublished map
University of Montana, Department of Geology UMTDG Geological Series
University of Nebraska Conservation and Survey Division NBCSD Configuration Map
Correlations and Cross Sections
Deep Well Map
Educational Circular
Field Guide
General Information Map
General Information Products
Geologic Maps and Charts
Geologic Resource Map
Geophysical Map
Groundwater Maps
Land Use Map
Miscellaneous Publication
Nebraska Geological Survey Bulletin
Nebraska Geological Survey Paper
Nebraska Geological Survey Report of Investigations
Nebraska Water Survey Paper
Open-File Report
Professional Paper
Resource Atlas
Resource Report
Soil Map
Water Supply Paper
Water Survey Maps
University of Nebraska, Lincoln UNEL Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Nebraska Studies
University of Nebraska State Museum UNSM Bulletin
University of Nevada Las Vegas UNLV EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
University of Nevada, Reno UNRENO Bulletin
EDMAP unpublished map
Geology and Mining Series
Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Nevada Reno, MacKay School of Mines, Department of Geological Sciences MACKAY Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America and and affiliated societies, Reno, NV, 1984, Guidebook, v. 4
University of New Hampshire UNH
University of New Mexico UNMEX Geological Series
Master's Thesis
Publications in Geology
University of New Mexico Press UNMP University of New Mexico Publications in Geology
University of New Orleans UNO Master's Thesis
University of North Carolina Asheville UONCA EDMAP unpublished map
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill UNC Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Department of Geology UNCDG EDMAP unpublished deliverable
Geologic Guidebook
University of North Carolina-Charlotte UNNC
University of North Carolina - Sierra Nevada Batholith Map Mosaic Project SNBMMP
University of North Carolina-Wilmington UNCWIL Bald Head Island Conference on Coastal Plains Geology, 2nd, Hilton Head Island, SC, 1990, Proceedings
EDMAP unpublished map
University of North Dakota UNDAK
University of Northern Iowa UNIA EDMAP unpublished map
University of Notre Dame UND The American Midland Naturalist
University of Oklahoma UOK Bachelor's Thesis
EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science
Subsurface Geological Symposium, 3rd, Norman, OK, 1953, Proceedings
University of Oregon UOREGON Geology Series
Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
The Commonwealth Review of the University of Oregon
University of Oregon Bookstore UOBS None
University of Oregon, Museum of Natural History UOMNH Bulletin
University of Pittsburgh PITT
University of Puerto Rico UNPR Caribbean Geological Congress, 2nd, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 1959, Transactions
Caribbean Journal of Science
University of Puerto Rico Agricultural Experimental Station UPRAES Technical Paper
University of Rochester UROCH
University of South Alabama USAL
University of South Carolina UNSC Master's Thesis
University of South Carolina, Department of Geology UNSCDG None
University of Southern California USC EDMAP unpublished map
University of Southern California - Los Angeles, Dept of Earth Sciences USCES EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
University of Southern Maine USME
University of Southern Mississippi USOMS Master's Thesis
University of Southwestern Louisiana USWL Southwestern Louisiana Journal
University of St. Thomas USTT
University of Tennessee Chattanooga UTNC
University of Tennessee, Department of Geological Sciences UTNDGS Studies in Geology
University of Tennessee Knoxville UTNKNX EDMAP unpublished map
University of Texas-Arlington UTXA
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology TXBEG Down to Earth
Environmental Geologic Atlas of the Texas Coastal Zone
Forum on Industrial Minerals, 4th, Austin, TX, 1968, Proceedings
Geological Circular
Geologic Atlas
Geologic Atlas of Texas
Geologic Quadrangle Map
Mineral Resource Circular
Mineral Resource Survey Circular
Miscellaneous Map
Open-File Map
Report of Investigations
Research Note
River Basins Regional Studies
Selected Reports
STATEMAP Project Geologic Maps
State Maps
Submerged Lands of Texas
University of Texas, Austin UTEXAS Bulletin
Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Texas, El Paso UTEP Master's Thesis
University of Texas, Mineral Survey UTXMS None
University of Toledo TOLEDO EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
University of Tulsa UTULSA Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Utah UUTAH DOE/ET
EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Utah Research Institute, Earth Science Laboratory Research Institute UUESLRI DOE/ID/12079-8
University of Vermont UVT
University of Virginia UVA Master's Thesis
University of Wales Press, Cardiff, UK UWP Paleontological Association Symposium, Birmingham, England, UK, 1974
University of Washington UWASH Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Publications in Geology
Trend in Engineering
University of Waterloo, Quaternary Sciences Institute UWQSI Joint meeting of the Canadian Quaternary Association and the American Quaternary Association, 1st, Waterloo, ON, 1990, Guidebook
University of Wisconsin UNWI Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire UWEC
University of Wisconsin, Madison UWISC Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee UWMIL Master's Thesis
University of Wyoming UWY Contributions to Geology
Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
University of Wyoming, Department of Geology and Geophysics UWYDGG Contributions to Geology
Unpublished NONE
U.S. Army, Chief Engineer Department USACED Annual Report
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USACE Engineer Intelligence Study
Report prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Report prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey) USACEGS None
Strategic Study of Guam and the Marianas --
Strategic Study of Ryukyu-Retto --
Strategic Study of the Caroline Islands --
Strategic Study of the Marshall Islands --
Strategic Study of the Northern Marianas Islands --
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission USAEC Annual Progress Report
Preliminary Map
Vela Uniform Program, Project Shoal
U.S. Bureau of Mines USBM Information Circular
Mineral Land Assessment Open-File Report
Report of Investigations
Technical Paper
U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management BOEM
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation USBR Boulder Canyon Project, Final Report pt. 3
Geomatrix Consultants, Inc.
Seismotectonic Report
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils USDABCS None
Soil Survey
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering USDABPISAE Soil Survey
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Soils USDABS None
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service USFS None
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service USDANRCS None
Soil Maps
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service USDASCS Agriculture Handbook
Soil Survey
U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service NTIS None
U.S. Department of Energy USDOE prepared for the NURE program & USDOE
Symposium series
U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Office USDOEGJ GJBX
U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown Energy Technology Center USDOEMETC METC
U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service USNPS Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, 1st, New Orleans, LA, 1976, Transactions and Proceedings
Transactions and Proceedings, 5th series
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Indiana Division USDOTFHWAIN None
U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration USERDA None
United Nations Symposium on the Development and Use of Geothermal Resources, 2nd, San Francisco, CA, 1975, Proceedings
U.S. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region (Powell) UGAGSOTRMR(
U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey USGGS Publication of the Wheeler Survey
Rocky Mountain region, 2nd edition
Rocky Mountain region Atlas
U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories (Hayden) USGGSTH Annual Report
Atlas of Colorado
U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories (Powell) USGGSTP None
U.S. Geological Survey USGS Administrative report
Alaskan Volcano Investigations Report
Annual Report
Basic Data Contribution
Basic Data Reports
Circum-Pacific Map
Coal Investigations Map
Crustal Studies Technical Letter
Data Release
Data Report
Data Series
Digital Data Series
Fact Sheet
General Information Product
General Interest Publication
Geological Investigations Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4
Geologic Atlas of the United States Folio
Geologic Investigations Series Map
Geologic Quadrangle Map
Geophysical Investigations Map
Geophysical Investigations Preliminary Map
[Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Special Report]
Hydrologic Investigations Atlas
Hydrologic Unit Map
Journal of Research
Journal of Research of the U.S. Geological Survey
Military Geology Branch
Mineral commodity summaries
Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map
Mineral Investigations Resources Map
Minerals Investigations Strategic Map
Miscellaneous Field Studies Map
Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map
Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map
Missouri Basin Studies
National Atlas of the United States of America
Oil and Gas Investigations Chart
Oil and Gas Investigations Map
Open File Report
Open-File Report
Other Special Book
Preliminary Coal Map
Press Bulletin
Professional Paper
Scientific Investigations Map
Scientific Investigations Report
Special Map
State Geologic Map
Technical Report
Techniques and Methods
Topographic map
Trace Elements Investigations
Unpublished Report
Water Resources Bulletin
Water-Resources Investigations Report
Water-Supply Paper
U.S. Geological Survey Publications Warehouse USGSPW
U.S. Government Printing Office USGPO International Geological Congress
International Geological Congress, 16th, United States, 1933, Guidebook
Professional Papers of the Engineer Department, U.S. Army
U.S. Minerals Management Service USMMS Report
U.S. National Museum USNM Bulletin
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration USNOAA None
U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement USOSMRE None
U.S. War Department USWAR None
Utah Academy of Sciences UTAS Transactions
Utah Department of Highways UTDOT None
Utah Department of Natural Resources and Energy UTDNR Technical Publication
Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey UTGMS Bulletin
Guidebook to the Geology of Utah
Miscellaneous Publication
Open-File Report
Report to the Utah State Land Board
Special Study
Utah Geological and Mineral Survey UGMS Bulletin
Contract Report
Open-File Report
Report of Investigation
Special Study
Utah Geology
Utah Geological Association UTGA Guidebook
Guidebook to the geology of Utah
Guidebook to the Geology of Utah
Symposium and Field Guide
Utah Geological Association Publication
Utah Geological Society UTGSOC Guidebook to the geology of Utah
Guidebook to the Geology of Utah
Utah Geological Survey UTGS Bulletin
Contract Report
Geologic Map Series
Miscellaneous Publication
Open-File Report
Public Information Series
Report of Investigation
Special Study
Water-Resources Bulletin
Utah State Engineer UTSE Biennial Report
Technical Publication
Utah State University UTSU EDMAP unpublished map
Utah State University Department of Geology UTSUDG Master's Thesis
Utah State University Press UTSUP None
Vanderbilt University VANDY EDMAP unpublished map
Vanderbilt University Press VUP Thesis
Vermont Department of Water Resources VTDWR Economic Geology
Geology of State Parks
Studies in Vermont Geology
Vermont Geological Society VTGSOC The Green Mountain Geologist
Vermont Geology
Vermont Geological Survey VTGS Bulletin
Environmental Geology
Geology of State Parks
Miscellaneous Map
Open-File Report
Report of the State Geologist
Special Bulletin
Technical Reports
Vermont State Geologist VTSG Report
Virginia Academy of Science VAAS Geology Section Field Trip Guidebook
Virginia Journal of Science, new series
Virginia Division of Geology and Mineral Resources VDGMR Bulletin
Open File Report
Open-File Report
Report of Investigations
Virginia Minerals
Virginia Division of Mineral Resources VDMR Bulletin
Open File Report
Open-File Report
Report of Investigations
Virginia Minerals
Virginia Geological Field Conference VAGFC Guidebook
Virginia Geological Survey VAGS Bulletin
Virginia Museum of Natural History VAMNH Guidebook
Virginia Polytechnic Institute VAPTI Engineering Experiment Station Series
Engineering Extension Division, Geological Guidebook
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Geological Sciences VATECHDGS Engineering Experiment Station Series
Master's Thesis
Virginia Wesleyan College VAWC
Wagner Free Institute of Science WFIS Bulletin
Washburn College Laboratory of Natural History WCL Bulletin
Washington Academy of Sciences WAAS Geological Investigations Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4
Washington Department of Conservation and Development WADCD Annual Report
Biennial Report
Information Circular
Open File Report
Report of Investigations
Washington Department of Ecology WAECY Geohydrologic Monograph
Technical Report
Water-Supply Bulletin
WRIS Technical Bulletin
Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources WADGER Bulletin
Decade Report
Digital Data Series
Digital Report
Fact Sheet
Field Trip Guide
General Evac Map
Geologic Map
Geophysical Map
GIS Data
Information Circular
Map Series
Open File Report
Report of Investigations
Resource Map
Topographic Map
TsuInfo Alert
Tsunami Evac Map
unpublished Map
Washington Geologic Newsletter
Washington Geology
Washington Division of Mines and Geology WADMG Biennial Report
Geologic Map
Information Circular
Open File Report
Report of Investigations
Washington Division of Water Resources WADWR Monograph
Water-Supply Bulletin
Washington Geological Survey WAGS Annual Report
Biennial Report
Decade Report
Digital Data Series
Digital Report
Fact Sheet
Field Trip Guide
General Evac Map
Geologic Map
Geophysical Map
GIS Data
Information Circular
Map Series
Open File Report
Report of Investigations
Resource Map
Topographic Map
TsuInfo Alert
Tsunami Evac Map
unpublished Map
Washington Geologic Newsletter
Washington Geology
Washington Mining Bureau WAMB Annual Report
Washington State Division of Natural Resources WADNR Miscellaneous
Washington State University WASU EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
Waterloo, ON, Escart Press ESCART
Wayne State University WSUMI EDMAP unpublished map
W.C. Chewett and Co. WCCHEW None
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research WENGREN Burg Wartenstein Conference, Austria, July 3-12, 1971, Symposia, p. 107-134
Western Illinois University WIU
Western Michigan University WMIU EDMAP unpublished map
Western Michigan University Department of Geology WMUDG None
Western Society of Malacologists WSMALA Annual Report
Western State College of Colorado WSCCO
Western State Colorado University WSCOU
Western Washington University WWAU EDMAP unpublished map
West Texas A&M University WTAU EDMAP
West Texas Geological Society WTXGS Bulletin
Field Trip Guidebook
Joint Fall meeting West Texas Geological Society, Fort Worth Geological Society, and Texas Academy of Science, Midland, TX, 1939, Field Trip Guidebook
Special Publication
West Virginia Academy of Science WVAS Proceedings
West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey WVGES Basic Data Reports
Coal Geology Bulletin
Computer Data Series
Conference sponsored by WV Geological and Economic Survey, the Geological Survey of OH, and The Coal Research Committee, Society of Economic Geologists, 1950
Environmental Geology Bulletin
Field Trip Guidebook
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 82nd, Atlantic City, NJ, 1969, Preconvention Field Trip Guidebook
Geologic Map
Geologic Quadrangle Maps of West Virginia
Mineral Resources Series
Open File Report
Report of Archeological Investigations
Report of Investigations
River Basin Bulletin
State Park Bulletin
West Virginia Geological Survey WVGS Bulletin
County Geologic Report
County Report
Geologic Quadrangle Maps of West Virginia
Open-File Reports
West Virginia University WVAU
W.G. Scarff WGS None
W.H. Freeman and Company WHFREE None
Wichita State University WSU EDMAP unpublished map
Master's Thesis
Wiley-Interscience WILINT None
Willard Owens Associates, Inc. WOAI Environmental Geology
prepared for the NURE program & USDOE
Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters WIAS None
Wisconsin Commissioners of Public Printing WICPP Survey of 1873-1879
Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey WIGNHS Bulletin
County Map Series
Data Series
Educational Series
Field Trip Guide Book
Geology of Wisconsin; Survey of 1873-1879
Geoscience Wisconsin
Information Circular
Land Resource Analysis Program
Miscellaneous Map Series
Miscellaneous Paper
Open-File Report
Regional Map Series
Special Report
State Map
Technical Report
Wisconsin Open-File Report
Wisconsin Geological Survey WIGS Early Survey Report
World Oil WOIL World Oil
Wright State University WRIGHT Master's Thesis
Wyoming Geological Association WYGA Earth Science Bulletin
Field Conference Guidebook
Special Symposium
Wyoming State Geological Survey WYSGS Bulletin
Coalbed Methane Map
County Resource Series
Educational Series
Geologic Hazards Section Digital Map
J. David Love Map Series
Map Series
Mineral Report
Miscellaneous Maps
Open File Report
Preliminary Geologic Map
Preliminary Report
Public Information Circular
Report of Investigations
Yale University YALE Master's Thesis
Ph.D. Dissertation
Yale University, Department of Geology YALEDG Ph.D. thesis
Yale University, Peabody Museum of Natural History YUPMNH Bulletin
Yellowstone-Bighorn Research Association YBRA None
Yellowstone-Bighorn Research Project Contribution
Zion Natural History Association ZNHA None