A comment by Tom Berg about
This is in response to Jonathan Matti's Working Memo #1. Responses are from Tom Berg, Crusty Field Geologist. A. Yes. But it will take a tremendous amount of work and concensus-building. B. Maybe. I'm not sure what you mean by "deeper" levels. Do you mean like differentiating tholeiitic basalt vs. ferro-basalt? The "deeper" we go, and the more we penetrate into subtle distinctions, gradations, and interpretations. C. Geologic-mapping traditions and regional differences will play a big role in development of standards. For example, the way Illinois has approached mapping glacial deposits is quite different from the way Pennsylvania has mapped them. D. My knee-jerk is to go for a single terminology standard. A multiple standard will become a quagmire. E. I think queries should be supported by standard terminologies at all levels. We're working on a National Geologic Map Database here. That includes mapping at a local level. F. The answer to this question rises from the kind of map being consulted. The typical geologic map is aimed at a technical audience. DERIVATIVE maps are produced for nontechnical and sometimes hybrid technical audiences. G. We expect to search for and retrieve a plethora of different facts and interpretations. This question relates to your 20-questions exercise, doesn't it? H. We will put the final geologic map into the model along with all the background data that was collected to produce the map. We would also probably enter the basic assumptions we made when we made our interpretations that led to the final map. I. The data model should be structured such that it is clear what the basic geologic map is and what the derivative products are. J. I would think we should address locational accuracy as we have in the past, viz., contacts are exact, approximate, covered, etc. Obviously scale is important. K. Geology is highly interpretive. There ought to be a methodology for describing the amount or degree of interpretation that goes into making a map. L. This is very important. We need a scheme for describing our sources of data used in constructing geologic maps.
Further discussion of SLTT Generic Conceptual Issues (this page):