The updated DMDT web page was discussed and accepted.
The variant documentation was discussed:
web page edits: links to variant home pages and example implementations will be added; e.g. for the CordLink, HydroLink, and GASL digital libraries, as well as the detailed Arizona and Idaho data model documentation.
variant additions: Alaska, Kansas, and Russian workers will be approached for inclusion of their variants on the site, and Bruce and Jordan agreed to provide documentation on a 4.3 implementation.
New Business:
The Proposal for Data Model Revision (NORTON: NORTh american digital geologic map ONtology) was presented by the Revision Working Group (RWG: Boyan, Bruce, Steve):
Components: the NADM data model should have four components:
describes general and detailed data types related to a geologic map, irrespective of implementation; the conceptual model can be seen as an highly organized thesaurus containing science language pertinent to geologic map information, i.e. an ontology for geologic map information. The Conceptual Model is currently developed as a UML diagram, but may be developed further in some logic-based ontology language.
an interchange format for exchanging and sharing information. The format will be based on the conceptual model and will probably be implemented in XML. Conformance of future variants with NADM can then be tested via their successful encoding in the Interchange Format of all or some of the Conceptual Model elements.
logical-database design:
a database design derived from the Conceptual Model. NADM 4.3 and other variants are logical models.
an implementation of the Logical Model in a specific database system such as ESRI Geodatabase, GE SmallWorld, etc. In particular, ESRI is developing a physical geologic data model closely related, for now, to the Object-oriented Kentucky Prototype variant.
Standards: to be enforced for the Conceptual Model and the Interchange Format.
Examples: At least one reference implementation of the Logical and Physical Models should be developed, as well as one or more testable reference data sets.
Priority: Conceptual Model development should be prioritized, followed simultaneously by development of the Interchange Format and Logical Models, and then followed by Physical Model development.
The NORTON proposal was unanimously accepted for purposes of further revision of the NADM data model. It was recognized that NORTON development will require close collaboration with NADM SLTT (Science Language Technical Team) and the NADM DITT (Data Interchange Technical Team).
Development of the NORTON Conceptual Model proceeded with discussions on:
Scope of the Conceptual Model: to include concepts occurring on a geologic map or related to information pertinent to a geologic map.
Principles of Conceptual Model: will be general, in the sense that it will strive to be broadly applicable to geology as a whole, but will concentrate on elements within the defined scope, leaving placeholders for non-core items that could be developed by others.
Earth Materials concept: Conceptual Model development proceeded with a focus on the Earth Materials concept. After protracted discussion the following hierarchy was unanimously agreed to, though reservations about the placement of 'Fossil' was noted. Each concept has scope notes to describe it in the UML, as well as relations to other concepts. Further logical constraints will be added later.
Earth materials
compound material
unconsolidated material
organic material
Future RWG work: one full week in July, tentatively July 15-19 in Ottawa.
RWG: expanded to include Jon Matti, Jerry Weisenfluh and possibly Jim Macdonald.
Action Items:
Jim Macdonald: request Alaskan and Kansas variants.
Eric Boisvert: request Russian variant.
Bruce Johnson, Jordan Hastings: document a NADM 4.3 implementation.
Boyan Brodaric, Jerry Weisenfluh, Ron Wahl: document the Kentucky variant.
RWG: Draft NORTON Conceptual Model by GSA'02 Denver.
Boyan Brodaric: arrange a RWG meeting in July, in Ottawa, re: NORTON.
Steve Richard: draft/coordinate DMDT submission for DMT'02 proceedings.
Boyan Brodaric: send Progress Report ppt to DMDT and add it to the web site.
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Maintained by Peter Schweitzer
Last updated 13-May-2002