The Geologic Data Subcommittee (GDS) of the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) is responsible for coordination of geologic data-related activities
Public Review Draft --
FGDC Digital Cartographic Standard for
Geologic Map Symbolization
From May 19 through September 15, 2000, the Federal Geographic Data Committee's Geologic Data Subcommittee conducted a public review of a proposed digital cartographic standard for geologic map symbolization. This review was advertised in the Federal Register and on listserves and in scientific periodicals such as GSA Today, and comments were solicited from geological surveys across the country. More than 300 comments were received from 49 representatives of geological surveys and other agencies in the United States (see list of reviewers). We sincerely appreciate the thoughtful comments and guidance that we received -- they served to greatly improve the content of the draft standard (see comments and responses).
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Public Review Draft has now been superceded by the FGDC-endorsed Digital Cartographic Standard for Geologic Map Symbolization. However, for historical interest, the Public Review Draft remains available in PDF format here; the 34.6MB zip file contains the introductory text, the symbols in Appendix A, and the Plates, as well as the original cover letter to reviewers, the list of specific issues needing attention, and the template for reviewer's comments. The PostScript implementation also remains available here, although it has been superceded by a USGS Techniques and Methods report (coming soon).
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