PURPOSE OF MAPPING: To provide geologic information in support of better-informed decisionmaking on groundwater resources, and to develop new methods for geologic mapping in three dimensions. Geologic maps can support long-term planning for land-use and resource management, especially if they contain information about the subsurface distribution of geologic materials (in the "third dimension"). In the map area in east-central Illinois, extensive sands and gravels are buried within the thick sequence of glacial deposits. These sands and gravels constitute a highly productive regional aquifer, supplying water to numerous cities and communities. Through a collaborative effort between the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the surficial, glacial deposits have been mapped using newly-developed 3-D mapping methods.
- create a database of key stratigraphic information;
- develop new methods for computer-aided mapping and presentation of data,
- produce an integrated set of geologic maps and 3-D views for each glacial unit, and
- use the geologic maps to help build a regional groundwater management tool.
RESULTS: The first three goals have been completed. The computer-aided mapping methods are published. The maps and 3-D views are published as USGS Investigations Map I-2669 (see
http://pubs.usgs.gov/i-maps/i-2669 and "view maps", to left). The final goal, to use the newly-developed geologic maps for regional groundwater management, is being addressed now. In early 1999, the ISGS and USGS helped form the "Mahomet Aquifer Consortium" -- this group of local, state, and Federal organizations, both private and public, intends to build a better scientific and public understanding of this valuable regional groundwater resource and, among the various stakeholders in the region, develop a plan to manage it. For Consortium information, please contact Mark Johnson (mjohnson@niwater.com), Northern Illinois Water Corporation.