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Title: Geologic assessment of coal in the Colorado Plateau: Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah
Author(s): Kirschbaum, M.A., Biewick, L.H., Roberts, L.N.R., Brownfield, M.E., Hettinger, R.D., Johnson, E.A., Mercier, T.J., Molnia, C.L., Osomonson, L.M., Rohrbacher, T.J., Carter, M.D., Eakins, Wynn, Hoffman, G.K., Tabet, D.E., Schultz, J.E., Scott, D.C., Teeters, D.D., Jones, G.E., Quick, J.C., Hucka, B.P., Hanson, J.A., and Affolter, R.H.
Publishing Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Series and Number: Professional Paper 1625-B
- Publication Date: 2000
- Cross Section: None
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Publication (includes GIS data)
- Product summaries for maps and reports in this publication:
Chapter H: Summary of Cretaceous stratigraphy and coal distribution, Black Mesa Basin, Arizona
Chapter I: A summary of stratigraphy, coal resources, and coal-bed methane potential of northwest Colorado
Chapter J: A summary of coal distribution and geology in the Kaiparowits Plateau, Utah
Chapter K: Summary of geology and coal resources of the Blackhawk Formation in the southern Wasatch Plateau, central Utah
Chapter L: Coal-bed methane gas-in-place resource estimates using sorption isotherms and burial history reconstruction: an example ...
Chapter M: Assessment of the distribution and resources of coal in the Fairfield Group of the Williams Fork Formation, Danforth Hills...
Chapter N: Assessment of the distribution and resources of coal in the Deserado coal area, lower White River coal field, northwest Colorado
Chapter O: Investigations of the distribution and resources of coal in the southern part of the Piceance Basin, Colorado
Chapter P: Geology and resource assessment of the middle and upper coal groups in the Yampa coal field, northwestern Colorado
Chapter Q: Geology and coal resources of the Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado
Chapter R: Coal resources of the Henry Mountains coal field, Utah
Chapter S: Geology and coal resources of the Blackhawk Formation in the southern Wasatch Plateau, central Utah
Chapter T: Geologic overview and resource assessment of coal in the Kaiparowits Plateau, southern Utah
* Names and boundaries are not necessarily authoritative, and are provided here solely for general orientation.