National Geologic Map Database
Product Description Page
Title: Regional geology
Author(s): Hawley, A.S., Reedy, R.D., Lachenbruch, M.C., Rogers, D.A., Garrison, L.E., Safonov, Anatole, Sacramento Petroleum Association, Harding, T.P., Alkire, J.H., Vaughan, R.H., Rofe, Rafael, Silcox, J.H., Corvalan, Jose, Harbaugh, J.W., Lee, C.A., Olmsted, F.H., Davis, G.H., Manlove, C.F., Shilling, F.A., Jr., Payne, M.B., Touring, R.M., Brabb, E.E., and Fothergill, H.L.
Publishing Organization: California Geological Survey
Series and Number: Bulletin 181, Part II
Larger Work: Geologic guide to the gas and oil fields of northern California
[See Larger Work]
- Publication Date: 1962
- Map Scale: 1:250,000
- Cross Section: Yes
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* Names and boundaries are not necessarily authoritative, and are provided here solely for general orientation.