Named the Yale member of the Ironwood formation for Yale mine, Gogebic Co., MI. Consists of interbedded ferruginous chert and even-bedded ferruginous slate, with slate predominating. Base of unit is a flatwise conglomerate which may belong to the underlying Plymouth ferruginous chert member. Thickness of the Yale member is 65 to 370 feet. Unit overlies the Plymouth ferruginous chert member of the Ironwood and underlies the Norrie ferruginous chert member of the Ironwood. The Yale member is of Precambrian age.
Source: GNU records (USGS DDS-6; Reston GNULEX).
Schmidt, R.G., and Hubbard, H.A., 1972, Penokean orogeny in the central and western Gogebic region, Michigan and Wisconsin: [unknown]
The Yale Member of the Ironwood Iron-Formation is mostly thin-bedded chert-carbonate iron-formation with a few granular wavy-bedded layers, tuffaceous beds, and black, pyritiferous argillite. The Yale is 200 feet thick. It overlies the Plymouth Member and underlies the Norrie Member, both of the Ironwood Iron-Formation. The Yale Member is of Precambrian X age.
Source: GNU records (USGS DDS-6; Reston GNULEX).
For more information, please contact Nancy Stamm, Geologic Names Committee Secretary.
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