Rowley Creek slate does not outcrop. Known only from drill records of 8 holes in east part of Baraboo district, all of which passed through Cambrian sandstone, Rowley Creek slate, and underlying Dake quartzite. Occupies middle of synclinal trough where found but is apparently absent over most of district. Thickness 40 to 149 ft. Gray on fresh surface but oxidized to red along some bedding and cleavage surfaces. Dominantly sericitic. Contains some chlorite and quartz. Is folded; bedding inclined from 20 degrees to 60 degrees. Named for small creek that flows through east part of Baraboo syncline immediately above the known occurrence of the slate. Assigned to Algonkian.
Source: GNU records (USGS DDS-6; Reston GNULEX).
"Rowley Creek slate," as defined by Leith (1935), overlies "Dake quartzite" and unconformably underlies Cambrian Mount Simon Formation of Elk Mound Group in Sauk Co. Apparently similar to Seeley Formation. No outcrop known. Drillhole logs upon which unit definition was based are no longer available. Age shown as Early Proterozoic.
Source: GNU records (USGS DDS-6; Reston GNULEX).
For more information, please contact Nancy Stamm, Geologic Names Committee Secretary.
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