Type locality designated as Panorama Hills and vicinity, SW/4 T31S R21E and sec.1-3 T32S R21E, Kern Co, CA. Northwesterly from Elkhorn Hills, Bitterwater Creek shale (new) grades laterally through littoral sandstone with Pliocene molluscan fossils into nonmarine gravel herein named Panorama Hills formation. Is composed of some 4000 ft of crudely bedded gray pebble-cobble gravels and coarse sand of granitic and some siliceous shale detritus. Unconformably underlies Paso Robles formation. Unconformably overlies granitic breccia of Santa Margarita formation. Shown on geologic map of Caliente and Temblor Ranges. Is Pliocene age.
Source: GNU records (USGS DDS-6; Menlo GNULEX).
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