National Geologic Map Database
  • Usage in publication:
    • John Kerr Peak Quartz Latite
  • Modifications:
    • Geochronologic dating
  • AAPG geologic province:
    • Basin-and-Range province

Smith, E.I., Aldrich, M.J., Jr., Deal, E.G., and Rhodes, R.C., 1976, Fission-track ages of Tertiary volcanic and plutonic rocks, Mogollon Plateau, southwestern New Mexico, IN Elston, D.P., and Northrop, S.A., eds., Cenozoic volcanism in southwestern New Mexico; a volume in memory of Rodney C. Rhodes, 1943-1975: New Mexico Geological Society Special Publication, no. 5, p. 117-119.


This report presents new fission-track ages for Tertiary volcanic rocks in the Mogollon plateau, southwestern NM. John Kerr Peak Quartz Latite forms a dome complex and is interbedded with Bearwallow Mountain Formation; it lies above Railroad Canyon Rhyolite. Two samples of John Kerr Peak taken: 1) SE1/4 sec 10, T6S, R16W, Catron Co, NM, Basin-and-Range province, producing a fission-track date on sphene and zircon of 20.2 +/-0.9 m.y.; and 2) SW1/4 sec 18, T6S, R15W, Catron Co, producing a fission-track date on sphene and apatite of 22.1 +-0.9 m.y. Average age of unit is 21.4 +/-1.1 m.y.

Source: GNU records (USGS DDS-6; Denver GNULEX).

  • Usage in publication:
    • John Kerr Peak Quartz Latite
  • Modifications:
    • Geochronologic dating
  • AAPG geologic province:
    • Basin-and-Range province

Marvin, R.F., Naeser, C.W., Bikerman, Michael, Mehnert, H.H., and Ratte, J.C., 1987, Isotopic ages of post-Paleocene igneous rocks within and bordering the Clifton 1 degree x 2 degrees quadrangle, Arizona-New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bulletin, no. 118, 64 p.


Has yielded ages of 13.6 +/-0.5 m.y. (biotite), 12.0 +/-1.6 m.y. (zircon), 22.7 +/-4.8 and 20.6 +/-4.8 m.y. (sphene), 22.7 +/-5.2 m.y. (apatite), 21.4 +/-2.2 and 19.9 +/-2.2 m.y. (zircon) from samples collected in Catron Co, NM in Basin-and-Range province. [These ages are regarded as Miocene.]

Source: GNU records (USGS DDS-6; Denver GNULEX).

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