Named the Hero member of the Valcour formation in northwestern VT and northeastern NY for South Hero, Grand Isle Co., VT. Member makes up lower 101 feet of Valcour formation. Consists of dark-gray silt-laminated calcarenite argillicalcisiltite, massive-bedded but weathering to nodular shaly rubble. SOLENOPORO sp. abundant in top 3 feet, and present sparingly with sponge ZITTELELLA VARIANS (Billings) and a few STROMATOCERIUM masses below. At Chazy, NY, member has interbedded dolomite and calcilutite. Overlies the Crown Point formation and underlies the Beech member of the Valcour. The Hero is of Middle Ordovician (Chazyan) age.
Source: GNU records (USGS DDS-6; Reston GNULEX).
For more information, please contact Nancy Stamm, Geologic Names Committee Secretary.
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