National Geologic Map Database
Geologic Units: Florala
  • Usage in publication:
    • Florala Limestone Member
  • Modifications:
    • Named
  • Dominant lithology:
    • Limestone
  • AAPG geologic province:
    • Mid-Gulf Coast basin
    • South Georgia sedimentary province

Huddlestun, P.F., 1993, A revision of the lithostratigraphic units of the coastal plain of Georgia: Georgia Geologic Survey Bulletin, no. 105, 152 p.


Name Florala Limestone Member of Bridgeboro Limestone is formally proposed in this report for a fossiliferous, LEPIDOCYCLINA-rich, nonrhodolithic, and sporadically algal-rich limestone. Rocks have been previously included in the Suwannee Limestone. Type section is designated near the AL-FL State line in southern Covington Co., south-central AL where 50 ft of the Florala are exposed in a lime pit. Reference sections are designated in the core Mathis 1 (W-8102) (interval 274 ft to 375 ft), taken in NE, NW1/4,NW1/4, SW1/4, sec. 36, T6N, T21W, and the Brown 1 (W-8104) (interval 203 ft to 272 ft), taken in NW1/4, NW1/4, NW1/4, sec. 11, T5N, R20W, Walton Co., FL. Member also occurs on the northern flank of the Gulf Trough in GA where it grades laterally into the typical Bridgeboro lithology. The Florala in its type area is relatively pure and coarsely fossiliferous. Farther south, the unit also contains lenses of sucrosic, tan to brown dolostone. Encrusting algae are conspicuous and ubiquitous at the type locality, but not in the reference cores. It is distinguished lithologically from typical Bridgeboro by the absence of rhodoliths. Base of unit not exposed at the type section; disconformably underlies the Bucatunna Clay. Disconformably overlies the Ocala Limestone in FL panhandle and gradationally overlies the Ochlockonee Formation in northwestern Colquitt Co., GA. Disconformably underlies the Chattahoochee Formation in FL and gradationally underlies the Suwannee Limestone in GA. Age is early Oligocene (Vicksburgian, Rupelian).

Source: GNU records (USGS DDS-6; Reston GNULEX).

For more information, please contact Nancy Stamm, Geologic Names Committee Secretary.

Asterisk (*) indicates published by U.S. Geological Survey authors.

"No current usage" (†) implies that a name has been abandoned or has fallen into disuse. Former usage and, if known, replacement name given in parentheses ( ).

Slash (/) indicates name conflicts with nomenclatural guidelines (CSN, 1933; ACSN, 1961, 1970; NACSN, 1983, 2005, 2021). May be explained within brackets ([ ]).