Typical Database Queries

Mon Apr 24 18:32:11 2000

A comment by Steve Ludington about

Anticipated queries for a geologic map database?

by Jonathan C. Matti

1. Show me all polygons with carbonate rock as one lithologic constituent
that are within 5 km of a felsic intrusive rock that is late Cretaceous in

2. Show me all polygons with siltstone, shale, mudstone, or argillite as a
lithologic component.

3. Show me all polygons that have siltstone, shale, mudstone, or argillite as
the dominant lithologic component.

4. Show me all Oligocene peralkaline volcanic rocks.

5. Show me all Cretaceous intrusive rocks with both biotite and hornblende

6. Show me all Tertiary extrusive rocks that contain fayalite or spessartine

7. Show me all Jurassic volcanic rocks.

8. Show me all Tertiary rhyolite flows, domes, and plugs that are in contact
with carbonate sedimentary rocks.

9. Show me mafic intrusive rocks with ages between 85 Ma and 38 Ma.

10. Show me granitic rocks that are ilmenite-bearing, but metaluminous.

11. I could add more combinations, but I think these indicate the nature of
my interests.

Context of this discussion

This page is part of a discussion of Anticipated queries for a geologic map database?:

Further discussion of Typical Database Queries (this page):

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