The AASG charge to the Digital Geologic Mapping Committee is as follows: "The Digital Geologic Mapping Committee shall represent all of the state geological surveys to help establish and construct the National Geologic Map Database as required by the National Geologic Mapping Act of 1992, and by federal legislation reauthorizing the Act. The Committee will work in direct cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) where the national database is to reside. The Committee will work with the USGS to establish and meet digital standards to be developed in concert with the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC). The Committee shall, with the approval of the Executive Committee establish subcommittees to deal with digital mapping issues such as metadata, attribution, costs, and topographic mapping. It will also report on activities of the FGDC, the NAS/NRC Mapping Science Committee, and other groups from government, private industry, and academia involved with digital mapping standards."